Chapter 4

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Once I get back to my so called "camp" I decide that I should look along the shore to see if anything useful has washed up. I start heading out there. It is probably about a quarter mile walk from here. Not too long. I grab my bag and water bottle that is now filled with water and I start to walk.

As I walk along I notice paw-prints from the an animal that seems somewhat small. Maybe the size of a raccoon. My first reaction is one that is worried. It might attack me, but then I think for a second and realize that I could kill it. I don't know how. I would have to make a weapon of some sort. I knife would probably be easiest but I do not have that luxury.

As I approach the shore I immediately spot another water bottle. Another plastic one. It does not have any water in it, but when I go to fill up the water bottles I will have more to fill up. I will have to make the trip less often and therefore I will conserve energy.

I pick it up and continue walking to the left. When I look out at the water I see a fish jump out of the water for a split second. I then think fish is an option for food as well. The only problem is that I don't have anything to fish with. Although there could be fish in the river in which I get water.

As I am deep in thought my foot hits something. "Ow!" I say to no one but myself. I look down to see a small backpack. It is bright yellow and looks to be slightly worn by water.

I pull it away from the water and eagerly prop it up against a log. I open it up to find it is partially filled with items. The first thing I pick up is a soaked shirt. It seems to be a guy's shirt. It is a size medium. It will be big on me but boy do I need some clothes. The clothes I am currently wearing are just a shirt that is simple and purple, shorts that are tattered and some sandals that are worn.

The next thing I pick up is a small medical kit. I open it up to find a few bandaids, a few alcohol wipes, and some ointment which I assume one would put on open cuts. All of it will probably come in handy when I trip and fall or do something clumsy.

The backpack still seems somewhat full. I pull out the next thing to find a pack of crackers. A pack of crackers! Oh does that make me hungry. I have not had anything to eat in a day and my stomach has been growling at me. I will eat them later though. When I get back probably.

The next thing I pull out is a small pocket knife. A knife! That will be so useful. One being starting a few, the next killing animals, and so many other things. I can use it to skin things as well when it comes down to that. I really hope it won't though. I hope someone will find me. There must be someone else on this island right?

The last thing I pull out is a pair of sweatpants. They seem to be a little big. I will probably have to cut a few inches off the bottom because they are to long for me. I am only 5'5 and by my guess I would say this guy was about 6'2ish.
I pack up everything back up in the soaking wet bag and head back to camp.


Once I get back to camp I unpack everything. I set out the shirt and the sweatpants to dry. I pull out the med kit and put it in my little shelter. I then put the knife right next to it. I pull out the crackers and have a few of them. I eat half of the pack without realizing it and put them away for later even though I am still so hungry. I then pull out my water bottle and have half of that too.

I have three water bottles total now because I found another on the way back that I must have missed. That makes me then start to wonder if I missed anything else. Maybe I missed something that could have been really helpful.

I quit thinking about it and turn my mind to a different question. Are the berries I picked earlier poisonous? They look familiar. From what I remember they look like gooseberries. They are a pinkish red and will give you an upset stomach if one is to eat them in a large quantity.

I count thirty seven that I picked. I wash them off with some of the water I have left and put them back in the bag to dry. I plan to have ten for dinner along with a quarter of  the pack of crackers. I will have to save some for tomorrow morning.

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