Chapter 5

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Once I open my eyes the next morning I get right on my feet. Today I will make a better shelter for myself. I want to start by making a small room and make it something that I can add on to if need be.

I quickly grab some of the gooseberries and eat the 10 I counted. I then grab the rest of the crackers and eat them all. Sad that they are already gone, I put the wrapper in the backpack and focus on drinking water. I finish up the bottle and put that in the yellow backpack as well.

I get on the move and start walking to the right of my camp and grab as many sticks that will help make the shelter as I can in my first trip. I head back and drop them into a pile near my stuff. I head out again in search of some bigger branches.

When I come across a few that work I pick them up and try to figure out a way I can get them all back without needing to take breaks or dropping any. I finally find a way that is hard to carry them but possible. As I head back I stay focus on how I am going to build it. I am going to stack the branches up to create a wall and stick to other sticks on each side to hold the wall in place.

Once I think I have all the branches I need it is almost sun down. By my judgement I have about an hour left. I finish the water I have and head for the river. I bring the three water bottles I have and the worn down bag.

As I walk I stop at the gooseberry Bush. Once I stop there I pick all the ones I see. They are various shades of pink. Some darker than other, but they all have one thing in common, they make me so hungry. I never had lunch.

I continue on my way to the running river. The trees are giving off lots of shade at it is getting darker, fast. I speed up my pace, not wanting to get stuck in the jungle at night. Once I reach the river I dip the water bottles in and quickly put the cap back on and go.


When I get back I go right to the hideout and quickly settle in. I reach into my bag and drink some of the water. I reach into my bag, grab a few berries and rinse them in water. I devour them so fast it seemed as if they were never there. I then put my stuff back in the bag and settle in for some sleep.

I create my plans in my head. Tomorrow when I wake up I will start my shelter. At about noon, when the sun is in the middle of the sky, I will take a break to eat. After that I will go to the river in an attempt to find food. I can't be living off these berries for forever.

After that I will walk back to here and continue to build the shelter that I will need. That will be my day tomorrow. Will that be what the rest of my days be? How will I get off this island? Does anyone even know that I am here?

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