Chapter 8

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I wake up t—ahhh I can't breathe! "Help" I yell out of instinct. I realize someone's hand is covering my mouth. I grab his/her wrist and try to pull it away put it is unrelenting.

I pull up my knife and slit the side of his/her wrist to cause some damage but nothing severe. He/she backs away and grabs their wrist. I give a hard kick to the stomach and a hard punch to the head. He/she is now on the floor unconscious.

I look down for a second and realize it is a guy. Was he trying to kill me? Will I have to kill him when he wakes up?

I look down and study him. He is tall, really tall. He is probably about 6'3. He is very muscular and has dark hair that curls and the edge.

I sit back down on where I was sleeping. I will have to stay awake because he could wake up and try to kill me again. I can't risk that. He probably easily could. The only thing that kept me alive was my knife.


The sun is starting to rise. I don't know what I can do today. I can't just leave him here. He could try to steal my stuff or hid and try to kill me again. My best bet is probably to get a fire going and cook my fish.

I lean over to my backpack and pull it over. I unzip the backpack and pull out the fish. It is slippery, wet, and just all around unappetizing. If I was told that I ate this a year ago I would never believe, but look where I am now. Oh how far I have come.

I slap the fish down on the bag. I study it for a minute a formulate a plan of how to go about this. I need to get the insides, the meat of the fish.

I start to cut into the fish, skinning it. I slowly just cut the top of it off, leaving as much of the edible part as I can. I need every last piece of it. I am running on barely anything. If I continue this pattern I will be dead in two weeks. Probably less.

As I skin the last part of it I put all the inedible parts to the side. I stand up and quickly cross the space to get to a little section of the dirt that I dug out for a fire. I quickly go outside and grab a few pieces of wood.

I go back in the little "cabin" so guess one could call it and plop then in the hole. I grab the flint and the knife and start to work on creating a spark.

After a few minutes I actually get a spark that lasts. I nurse it to life and it grows much, much bigger. I turn to the side and grab a few sticks. I build a little area for the fish to cook.

I place the fish that I cut up on the sticks and wait facing the fire. I stare into the fire wondering what my next month will look like. What will the next day look like? Will the guy that tried to kill me wake up or is he dead?

Maybe he was on his last little bit of life. Maybe he just got here. But if he got here and I got here then who brought us here?

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