Chapter 2

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First and foremost I need to find a place to set up a shelter, if I can that is. I will need branches and twigs and maybe some logs. It will probably be best to have it under a tree, so if it rains it will not be completely soaked.

I walk into the trees in search of a spot that is open enough to set up camp. As I walk around I notice all around me are so many trees, flowers, and basically anything to do with nature. Back at home I was never in a place like this. I lived in the city and went to an island once with Celia, my best friend since I was 7. God I miss her. Her constant smile and stupid puns she would always make and the fact that she was always talking about my brother. Great, now I am thinking about my brother which I also miss. I haven't seen him in a while. He was older than me by like a year. We would always fight about everything. Even the most trivial of things. He would always protect me though and he was always trying to do the best thing even if it didn't look like it. He moved when I was 25. I am 29 now. I very rarely see him.

While I was walking and thinking about how I miss everyone so darn much I finally found a good spot. It isn't to far from the shore. I can actually see it in fact. The water glistens from the sun shining above it. The sunset is starting which means night will fall soon and I need to set something up that will hopefully keep me alive for the night.

I decide to go out and collect a bunch of longer branches that I think could help me set this up. Whatever "this" is. The more I think about it the harder it seems it will be. How will I set this all up? How am I going to do this?


When I get back I drop all the wood on the floor with a big THUNK. I grab two pieces and prop them up so they are leaning on each other. I do this a few more times, with a few falling every so often and me getting more and more frustrating. I finally get enough set up to cover the length of my body. I just have to put some down at the bottom to build it so nothing can get in through my feet. The top of my head will be exposed but I have to keep that open in case if I need to get out and also because I have no clue how to figure out how to do the part by my head.

I decide to take one more walk to the beach just to sit down for a little bit and look at the water. Speaking of water it just occurred to me how thirsty I am. I quickly grab the water out of the small bag I found washed up on shore earlier. It is not the best thing and it is quite worn out but it is better than nothing. I quickly chug down the little water I had in there. I put it back in the water and decide to head back so I can get some sleep. I need to be up early in the morning so I can get some work done.

Once I am in my little makeshift shelter I wonder to myself what the heck is going on? People don't just randomly show up on islands. That doesn't just happen. I close my eyes and decide that I just need to focus on surviving first. Someone will find me, right?

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