I'm not doing this with you!

376 13 1

Blake's POV

  I wake up to Ashly screaming at the phone passing around the room. 

"But dad I took down the Kings why can't I come home?" She screams I hear muffled voices on the other end. "Well, that's bull shit Jermy is at home." "Well, I don't give a fuck that he's a guy I'm the one taking over the Vipers not him." She says to who I'm pretty sure is her dad. "Well, I should be there." She pauses again. "Vaffanculo!" She screams hanging up.

 "Are you alright?" I ask and her head snaps to mine. 

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry my dad doesn't think I should come back." She says looking down. "I'm going to take a shower the guys up." She says after a few minutes of silence and walking off. 

Ashely's Pov

  I woke up for the second day in a row tangled up with Blake. I slowly get up making sure to not wake him up and call the number I haven't called since I was 10. "Who's this." His rough voice says. 

"Papà," I say into the phone.

 "il Mio Amore is that you?" He asks me and tears come to my eyes. 

"Yeah, It's me, Ashley." 

 "Il Mio Amore your not to call it's not save the Kings could find you." He says. 

"A few friends and I took down the kings," I say back proudly.

 "How did yall do that?" My father asks.

 "Well my friends are in a gang called born killers and we took the Kings out and well I wanna come home," I say determinedly.

 "I'm not sure that's the best idea." He says and I start to get pissed.

 "But dad I took down the Kings why can't I come home?" I scream 

"Do not raise your voice at me signorina and What I say is final it's not smart." He says. 

"Well, that's bull shit Jermy is at home." 

"Your brother can take care of himself." My father says back. 

"Well, I don't give a fuck that he's a guy I'm the one taking over the Vipers not him."

 "And I know that but we are in the middle of training new members," he says trying to justify him not letting me come home.

 "Well, I should be there," I say pausing again. 

"I said, No!" He growls.

 "Vaffanculo!" I scream and hang up.

 "Are you alright?" Blake ask and my head snaps to meet him and I instantly feel better. 

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry my dad doesn't think I should come back," I say looking down. "I'm going to take a shower the guys up," I say after a few minutes of silence and walking off. 

  Once I finished getting dressed I walked downstairs to see Blake shirtless cooking and everyone else helping out except Jade she was sitting at the bar. "What are you looking at." Jade snaps.

 " Want another knife but this one in your throat?" I ask her and she gulps and turns to her phone and mumbles "Whatever." I smile sit on the bar beside where Blake is chopping some things up. 

 "Whatcha cooking?" I ask and he looks at me and smiles.

  "Omelets, toast, and bacon." He says going back to cooking.

  "Yum," I say licking my lips. 

 "You seem like your in a much better mood ." He says looking at my lips and then back to my eyes. 

 "Yep because we are going on a trip," I say and they look at me.

  "But we have to get to school we have skipped 3 days," Blake says whiles the others snicker. 

 "So what?" I ask and he shrugs.

  "Okay, so where are we going?" Blake asked and the others look at me expectantly.

"We're going to Italy," I say grinning ear to ear.

"I thought your dad said no," Blake says. "Yeah well, he doesn't own me," I say and finally Matthew speaks up. 

"Come on man lets go I mean it's Italy how many chances are you going to get to go to Italy and meet a Mafia?" 

"Fine..I'm in," Blake says and I smile.

  "Yay, what about y'all?" I ask looking at Jade and Mallary both nod their heads. 

 "Cool go home pack for a month and meet me at the airport tomorrow at 1," I say and everyone goes to there bikes that we dropped off here yesterday before the plan.

   "Aren't you going to go get packed?" I ask Blake who's just standing in my kitchen. 

 "We need to talk." He says and I gulp that's never good. 

"And what persay do we need to talk about?" I ask grabbing some juice to go with my bacon and omelet. 

"Don't act stupid you kill a hell of a lot of people last night by yourself might I add and your acting like its a normal day." He says frustrated running his hand through his hair.

  "Because it is normal for me Blake you don't know me," I say back a bit louder than I meant. 

 "Don't! Don't do that don't go to the hole I don't know your speech." He yells.

  "You don't Blake we haven't known each other long so do go around playing overprotective boyfriend because you are not my boyfriend!" I shout and at times like this, I'm glad I don't have neighbors here. 

 "We are not having this argument again, first your pissed off at me last night and now what. what do I do to piss you off." He shouts back.

 "I'm not doing this with you!" I scream louder tears threatening to spill from my eyes. 

"Doing what because all your doing is walking away like you do every time we argue." He says lowering his tone but for some reason, it seems worse than when he was yelling because I can hear his voice crack. 

"I'm not going to do that again just go, Blake, I'll see you tomorrow," I say walking upstairs. 

"Fine whatever!" He shouts and slams the door and I hear his truck drive off. 

"Real mature," I mutter to myself and walk to my room and cry. I care for him I do but I'm not risking everything again I just won't. I need my best friend. "Lilley?" I say.

 "What's wrong baby?"  She and her voice full of concern. "Blake and I had a fight," I say still crying and I hated how broken i sounded. "I'll be right there with lots of junk food." She says hanging up. 

Yeet, Yeet we're about to go to Italy people. more tension, more drama, more fights, more guns, more everything even kissing... so this chapter is a bit short but boy will the next chapter make up for that. Enjoy comment and/or vote :)

word count: 1086      Aug 24, Sat. 2019   2:37

 translation :  

Vaffanculo=  fuck you 

Papà= daddy 

il mio amore=  my love 

signorina= Young lady 

inferno= hell

Edited: Tue. Nov 19,2019 3:20PM 

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