you're so danm hot and cold!

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    "Home sweet home," I say breathing in the air Blake wraps his arms around me and I smile. 

  "Okay, guys time to pay my Father and brother a visit."

  "Oh let the games begin," Lily says smirking and the others all have uneasy smiles. 

"Guys y'all are forgetting this is the mafia I highly doubt they are going to let a bunch of people with guns in," Mallary says.

  "Oh they will let me in," I say with a devilish smirk. 

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Mallary whispers to Matthew. Once we get to my childhood home I put in the password and open the door with the key hidden in a tree. What we may be the leaders of the mafia but that didn't mean we missed out on family traditions. 

"Bitches I'm Back," I say in a sing-song voice and everyone in the room froze and pointed their guns at us and I chuckled. "What's wrong boys don't recognize me," I ask more like a statement. Their guns are still pointed at me. "If you even think about shooting me Ryan I'll have your head," I spoke to my old best friend and he freezes.

  "Leelee?" He asks slowly.

  "Bingo but you would have thought you'd recognize since your suppose to be my best friend now wheres my father and brother," I question and Ryan still looks in shock. 

 "Look bitch I don't know who you are but.." Some guy started and I shot him in the shoulder.

  "That's no way to talk to your princess Ranger Rick," I say with a smirk. Everyone's faces go into recognition and they bow.

  "Princess we're sorry your father didn't tell us you are coming." Papa Pete says he's an older man last time I saw him he was 43 he is maybe 51 now.

  "Oh, he doesn't know now where is he needs to have a talk." I say sternly, "He's in his office but he's in a meeting or not to interrupt." Pete says and I chuckle.

 "I do what I want now take care of my friends and if any of you harm a hair on there head your all dead got it." I sneer and some nod while others mumble a yes ma'am. I walk to my father's office without knocking and see my father and brother on one side while a man that looked to be in his early 20's was on the other side. "You know it's rude to invite the next leader to a gang meeting," I say and their eyes snap to mine the man looks confused, my brother runs up to hug me, and my father looks pissed. I hug my brother back and then reach my hand out to greet the man. "Nice to meet you I'm Ashley Marie Arianna Russo Future leader of the Vipers," I say with a smirk.

  "bene, bene Che Bella Cosa Abbiamo qui." He says and I smirk. 

"Why thank you," I say and he blushes. 

"Francesco why didn't you tell me how lovely your daughter was." The man asks but before my father could answer I but in.

 "Because He couldn't have known he sent me off at the age of 10 because of a threat that he could have taken down but didn't but it's okay because I took them all down and since my birthdays next week and I'll be 18 I'm taking over the gang so any transactions can go threw me from now on," I say and the man looks at me with interest why my brother looks in shock and my dad well he looks like he could kill me but I'd like to see him try. 

 "Now is not the time Ashley." My father spoke sternly. 

 "Now is a perfect time," I say smirking. "So Mr..." I trail off realizing I don't know his name.

  "The names Adrian." He says and I smile.

  "So Adrien let's do this shall we." 

 "Lets," he says also smirking. "So I'm the leader of the Russian mob." 

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