Do you even know what love is!

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Ashley's Pov

I woke up the next morning in a pissed off mood. "Mrs. What would you like for breakfast?" The cook asked me and I punched her in the face. In front of everyone. 

"Babe are you alright?" Lilly asked and I just glare. 

"Yeah perfect," I answer in a monotone. I see her pull Blake to a corner so I go and listen in.

 "The hell did you do to her?" she yells at him.

 "Nothing I just called whatever we had going on off it wasn't working." He answers sounding kind of defeated.

 "You're a fucking idiot she has never liked anyone since Liam she likes you shit I bet you and her love each other stop being so danm irritating." She says and I leave not wanting to hear anything else. 

"What's wrong sis?" My brother asks me as I walk to the fridge and grab the ice cream.

"I got dumped and I wasn't even in an effing relationship what even is that!" I exclaim throwing my arms in the air. 

"Yeah can't say I've been there but then again I'm married so." He shrugs. 

"I like him we just have a problem with fighting about everything." I groan out and he chuckles. "It is not funny it's stupid I've never had this problem." 

"Well, why don't you tell him how you feel." My brother says in a duh tone. 

"It's not that easy Oh hey I have a question," I tell my brother and his face goes serious. 

"what is it are you alright?" He asked with concern. 

"Yeah, I was just wondering if you knew who the Salvators are?" I ask him.

"Oh, of course, I'm surprised you don't know who they are you had an arranged marriage to there son before a turf war knocked out the whole family." My brother says and I freeze. 

"I was engaged to Blake? Did he know." I ask. 

"Wait  Blakes a Salvatore?!?" He shouts and I cover his mouth. 

"shut up he'll know were talking about him," I say and he licks my hand and I pull it away. "Ewww." 

"Oh my god you know if dad knows hes going to push you both to get married right?" James says and I pale. 

"Oh shit he knows?" James says and I nod. 

"Gang meet me in the living room in 10minutes!" My father yell and James and I share a look before heading to the living room. Once everyone was in the living room my father spoke. "January the 7 which is in 3 days Ashley will turn 18 and take over the gang, but," He says and I swallow hard. "Before she can take over she has to marry Blake the weddings in 2 days." He says and I'm in shock. 

"What! You can't force me to marry him," I scream. 

"Too late its been discussed." My father says and I frown. 

"Discussed with whom?" I ask looking at Blake who's avoiding my glance. 

"Blake and me decided to finishes what I and his parents wanter." My father says and I look at Blake. 

"This is fucking unbelievable," I yell walking off to my room.  A few minutes later theres a knock on the door. "Go away!" I shout but whoever it is doesn't listen because I hear the door open. 

"Why don't you want to marry me?" I hear Blake say and my head snaps up and I start laughing but it wasn't a funny laugh it was a dark laugh. 

"Your the one who called us off and now you're pissy I don't an't to be forced into a loveless marriage," I ask darkly. 

"I just..It's not loveless I do love you." He says and I tick. 

"That's funny really fucking funny do you even know what love is!" I shout. 

"Yes I do I love you!" he says and I shake my head. 

"No you don't because if you did you wouldn't have left at the first sign of trouble," I say and he sighs.

"I was scared as cliche as it sounds I was scared." He says and I laugh.

"You're in a fucking gang you use to be in a mafia and you're scared of us being involved wow!" 

"Yes God, why do you have to make everything so danm complicated can't you just say that you love me too." He shouts throwing his arms down. 

"Because I've been lied to way too many times and I won't do it ag.." I was cut off by Blake kissing me I kissed him back and my hands went to his hair pulled on it and he groaned.

(773 Words)  sorry, it's so short but I've been updating my other book ' the alpha kidnaped me'. please do check that lout and comment and vote :)

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