Chapter 1

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It was the 23rd of December and Olly was just finishing off his last clients hair. He stood curling the few remaining strands of hair before fixing them firmly in place with the hairspray. He couldn’t help but smile, he was now ready to go home and spend a good 2 weeks with his boy by his side. The past few days had been hard for Olly, Jaymi had been away in the recording studio with the boys, finishing all the harmonies for their third album, whilst Olly had been working away in the salon feeling rough and living off Pain killers to keep him going. All he wanted was to be back in the arms of his boy. As the last client left Olly followed minutes later, locking up the shop safely and jumping straight into his Mini Roadster for the 1 hour journey home but he already knew maybe these 2 weeks wouldn’t run as smoothly as he had previously hoped. Olly’s phone vibrated on the dash board of his car, as he read the text his stomach flipped inside of him.

“Hiya baby,

Can’t wait to see you soon, I’ve cooked up a mean surprise for you.

Love you gawj xxx”

He sat with tears fighting to leave his eyes. He hadn’t eaten anything for days at every given moment he’d been running out the back of the salon to throw up, he knew he was going to have to try and eat whatever Jaymi had cooked. He knew that Jaymi would be fuming to know that Olly was ill and he hadn’t of been with him, but Olly could look after his self. Olly took a deep breath as he began to reverse out of his parking space and start the journey home, the meal was never far from his mind but anyway Olly hadn’t been sick for a good 3 hours, that’s good right? Well so he hoped! Olly was less than 5 minutes before home before his mouth went completely dry, a feeling he’d gotten oh too familiar with.  As he pulled over in the entry to the country lane he lived on, he opened his car door and promptly emptied his already deflated stomach into the nearest bush. Olly leant back in his seat put his hand behind his head and just sat deeply breathing for what felt like hours but in reality was only a few minutes. Looking at his watch he realised the time, Jaymi was expecting him home any minute! With that Olly grabbed the bottle of water placed on the passenger’s seat, took the biggest gulp before gargling and spitting the water out into the foliage. He then grabbed some chewing gum and began what was left of the drive home.

A few minutes later Olly was home. The car had barely made it up the long pebble drive before Jaymi had opened the door and ran out, Olly leapt out of the car and straight onto his awaiting fiancé where they just stood hugging each other. Olly finally felt safe once more. As they walked into the house the smelt of Jaymi’s cooking hit Olly like a brick.

“I cooked your favourite, Curry.” Jaymi said with a look of upmost achievement splattered across his face.

“Awh thank you babe.” Olly sheepishly replied

As Olly sat down at the table Jaymi had prepared with placemats and rosé wine he felt his stomach rise once more but he was determined to finish this meal, Jaymi had gone to so much effort. Jaymi plated up, then placed the steaming hot dish in front of Olly before taking a seat opposite him.

Olly slowly began to shovel in his home cooked meal but after his second spoonful his stomach began to rise again, this time Olly was off. He sprung up from the table and darted towards the bathroom. Jaymi leaped up and ran after him, completely confused by his behaviour, was it something he’d put in the food? Jaymi ran into the bathroom to see Olly sat on his knees retching into the toilet basin. Jaymi grabbed the tub of Wet wipes of the side before sitting down next his ill fiancé. He sat just rubbing Ollys back before offering him a wet wipe to wipe his mouth.

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