Chapter 8

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The next few minutes were a blur for everyone. Why did this keep happening to Olly? Why did he keep having these seizures? Jackie tried to comfort Callum, who was in tears, and explain all the goings on, at any age such a scene is hard to watch but especially at the age of 3 when you have no idea of what’s happening. Jaymi got Olly off the sofa, then moved sofa away and cushioned Olly’s head so he couldn’t hurt himself as his body thrashed around. Jaymi sat helplessly with tears streaming down his face. Jackie put Callum down as she went and sat next to her distraught son, Jaymi just hugged his mum and cried more.

“I don’t understand, why Olly?”

“Jaymi he’s going to be okay?”

“They said that last time, look at him.” Jaymi shouted.

“He stopped.” Callum piped up, causing both Jackie and Jaymi to sharply turn to look at the young boy who was sat quite calmly holding his Uncle Olly’s hand. Olly’s seizure had finished leaving him just laid on the floor looking peacefully asleep. The paramedics arrived seconds later and as Jackie let them in she began to explain exactly what happened, whilst Jaymi sat silently crying and just stroking Olly’s hand. The paramedics moved in to wake Olly up just to give him the once over and make sure he was okay. Jaymi had had to move from Olly’s side so he was now sat on the sofa just staring at his feet.

“Nanna said he be okay.” Callum spoke softly as he climbed onto Jaymi’s lap. Jaymi couldn’t help but smile at Callum’s innocence.

“Yeah of course, he’s strong your uncle Olly isn’t he?” Callum just nodded in response. As soon as the paramedics moved Jaymi was straight away back next to Olly’s side cradling his hand like before. The paramedics continued to regurgitate exactly what Jaymi had heard the night before. They didn’t know why he did this, it shouldn’t happen again and there’s nothing they can do. They left soon after and just gave the advice to monitor him as that’s all you could do.

After Jackie and Jaymi had spoken about all they were told, Jaymi scooped Olly up and carried him up to bed. He placed him down and walked around the bed to get in his side. Olly was slowly coming around as Jaymi got into bed. His eyes were open but you could tell he was confused about his surroundings, he stared at Jaymi for a good 30 seconds before Jaymi spoke up,

“Olly babe are you okay? You know you I am don’t you?” Olly nodded.


“Yes!” Jaymi was so relieved to know Olly recognised him. “You had another seizure babe, but you’ll be okay.”

“Sorry babe.” Olly looked saddened by this news. He sat up and moved closer to Jaymi. Jaymi pulled him in closer and hugged him tight.

“Don’t be sorry babe, we all get ill sometimes.” Jaymi paused for a second

“You know were engaged babe so we’re going to be married at some point, you know husband and husband?” Olly looked at Jaymi with a confused look splattered across his face.

“Yeah, of course.”

“Well when we say those vows ‘In Sickness and In Health’ we’ll mean them and that’s really my point. I just want you better baby because I hate seeing you ill, it’s scary to see someone who means that much to you go through so much pain. If I could have swapped places I would but we can get through all of this together and you’re on the mend now. I’ll be there for you through everything Oliver Marmon and I know you will be there for me too.”

This was so unexpected Olly just didn’t know how to reply, as a tear fell from his eye Olly just hugged Jaymi tighter than he ever had and nuzzled into his neck. His actions spoke 1000 words.

“Let’s lay back down and you can sleep for a while yeah? We just tried a bit too much too fast.” Jaymi finally broke the silence after a loving few minutes.  Olly nodded and moved away from Jaymi’s neck allowing him to lie down so Olly could curl up in his arms. Jaymi, just as before, rubbed his back until Olly was sound asleep. As Jay looked to his right he watched his amazing fiancé, sound asleep, and all he could do was continue to hold him tight and think about just how much they were to/ had already faced as soon to be Mr and Mr Hensley-Marmon.

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