Chapter 3

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Jaymi shut the door and walked straight back to Olly, who still looked extremely confused by all the goings on.

"Olly are you okay babe? You understand whats happened dont you?" Jaymi asked concerened.

"Yeah, yeah i get it Jay, i had a fit, sorry."

"Dont be sorry babe, its not your fault, your on the mend now and thats the main thing." Olly sat up and patted the sofa next to him, once Jaymi had sat next to him he prompty leant on his fiance.

"Jay why am i on the sofa?"

"The paramedics said its better for you because we need to keep your temperature cool."

"But id rather be in bed." Olly trailed off.

"I know Olly but if we do what they say by tomorrow youll be better, its christmas eve in an hour and were going to mums tomorrow, youll want to be better for all that right?."

"Yeah course i will, i dont feel sick anymore!"

"Thats good, talking about sick, you need to drink some water." Jaymi got up, leaving olly half slanted on the sofa, to get Olly some water. He returned a few seconds later and placed the pint of water in Ollys hands. Olly instantly began glugging it as fast as he could.

"Im not going to take it away from you Olly, Slow down." Jaymi laughed.

"Im so thirsty" Olly said inbetween gulps before putting the empty glass back on the floor.

"Right well be better be off to sleep because i think weve had enough drama for one night." Jaymi laughed.

"Your staying with me arent you?"

"Of course i am Olly, ill be on the sofa just there, youll be able to see me." No sooner had jaymi finished his sentence and Olly burst into tears.

"Olly Whats wrong!" Olly didnt answer so with that Jaymi leant back onto the arm on the sofa, put his legs up and pulled Olly inbetween his legs so his head was still resting on his chest.

"Olly please whats up babe, you can tell me." Jaymi whispered almost desperately whilst running his fingers through Ollys hair.

"P..p...p..please dont leave me." Olly shouted into jaymis chest.

"Olly i wont leave you! You need to sleep without my body heat because we need to make you better, youll be fine, nobody can hurt you im here."

"Jaymi please." Olly cried out.

"Olly please, its whats best for you." Jaymi didnt understand why Olly was being like this, he normally loved cuddling but why was he so upset, It broke Jaymis heart to see the one he loved reduced to this state. Olly continued to cry

"Please tell me whats going on Olly, youve never been like this before."

"Jaymi please dont leave me, im scared!"

"Scared of what Olly, i dont understand!"

"Scared of being on my own! Jaymi please dont make me sleep on my own! I want to hold you close to me and smell that you're near, you're my everything, Jaymi please dont leave me." Olly was almost hysterical by this point. Why was he being like this, its like he'd been converted into a child again, a child who was afraid of the dark or something. Jaymi was in despiration because he'd never seen him like this.

"Olly were going against the proffessionals advice but i'll sleep holding you, anything to make you feel safe again, this is so  unlike you Olly i want you to get better, i hate seeing to cry baby, let me just go and get pillows and then we can snuggle down." Olly nodded and sat up off of Jaymi. Jaymi then ran upstairs to collect his and Ollys pillows. By the time he came back down Olly had stopped hysterically crying and was now just attempting to regulate his breathing.Jaymi threw the pillows down on the sofa.

"Good job we've got a massive sofa ai? Otherwise id definately push you off." Jaymi laughed before sitting back down next to Olly. Jaymi raised his hands and placed them under Ollys chin, he began to use his thumbs to wipe away the tears.

"You really feel vonurable dont you?" Olly just nodded in agreement.

"Your just tired Olly so lets get some sleep." With that jaymi laid down on the sofa and got comfortable. Seconds after Olly laid down in Jaymis arms.Jaymi wrapped his arms around him and theyre legs lay intwined. In a matter of minutes they were both sound asleep, for the second time that night.

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