Chapter 4

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Jaymi was awoken by the kettle boiling. He opened his eyes to be greeted by the celling... hang on, this isnt how he went to sleep. Jaymi rolled back over to soon realise Olly was still firmly attached around his chest. He carefull managed to undo Olly grip off him, so not to wake him and walked into the kitchen.

"I'll have a coffee if your making one, thanks Sian." Jaymi chuckled.

"You cheeky cow, how did i know you'd wake up as soon as i boiled the kettle?"

"Its my sixth sense, i do keep telling you." With that Jaymi prompty swung round and plonked himself on a chair next to his dining room table.

"So how was Olly last night?"

"Sian dont i was so scared, im just praying he wakes up feeling better, you know i was going to ring his family etc last night?" Jaymi Paused.


"Well Ben came over just to see if i needed any help or anything and he carried Olly downsatirs for me. It was all good, we woke Olly up then Ben left and it went massively down hill!"

Sian interupted "What do you mean?"

"Well i got him some water and he was saying how he didnt feel sick anymore so that was fine, he was alright in himself just really tired and floppy, he sat up and just stayed leant on me because he didnt have the energy to actually sit anyway then i explained to him why he was on the sofa and what the doctors advice was and he freaked out on me. He asked me if i was going to stay with him and i said yeah im sleeping on the other sofa and he burst out crying! Sian it was horrible ive never seen him like that! He just broke down!"

"What was he crying about? I dont get it."

"He was hysterical, screaming Jaymi dont leave me and i couldnt convince him that i wasnt leaving, i told him he'd see me id just be on the other sofa but he wasnt having any of it. Im surprised he didnt wake you up, he was screaming jaymi i dont feel safe, dont leave me, i want to you near me at the top of his lungs. He was so out of it, it was horrible!"

"I cant imagine what he must of felt like for him to be that distraught, i feel so bad for him because he doesnt really understand what happened he was so ill last night."

"It was awful, i hope he doesnt remember it because i wont mention it to him."

"Thats the best way. Heres your coffee by the way."

"Cheers" They fell into silence as they both drank their coffees, minutes later Olly slowly walked through the doorway.

"OLLY" Jaymi yelled.

"Heya babe, hey Sian."

"You feeling better today you sickling?" Sian replied.

"Yeah thank you, i cant walk too fast and i feel absoloutely shattered but i dont feel sick and im just achey now."

"Good! i was so worried about you! Are you still boiling? because we're going to mums for 12 ish and well you can go in your boxers if you want babe but callum might be a bit scared if his Uncle Oliver turns up in just his pants?"

"No babe im fine, im a bit warm but i just wont wear my jacket, i need a shower though i feel so sweayt and minging." Olly paused "Come in a bath with my Jay? pleaseeeeeee." Olly said in his best toddler impression.

"How did i know that was coming." Sian sighed jokingly.

"Shut up sian as we were saying Olly, do you ever have to ask me twice? Lets go run it." With that Jaymi got up and Left collecting Olly from the doorway as he went.

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