Chapter 6

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Olly let out what can only be described as a whimper about 5 minutes into the silence "Jaymi." His voice shook as he spoke.

"What?" Jaymi snapped back. Olly didnt reply causing Jaymi to turn round and see his fiance sat with his knees to his chest, resting his head on his hands. As much as Jaymi tried to be annoyed with Olly he just couldn't. He got up, still only covered by his towel and sat himself next to olly once more.

"Olly baby im sorry I hurt you, you know i didn't mean it but please tell me whats wrong?"

"Jaymi i feel so ill again" Olly almost whispered.

"Do you feel sick or what? We dont have to go to mums if you dont want too"

"No no i just feel faint and tired again, ill be fine." Olly trailed off.

"Come here." Jaymi moved back then laid on their bed and pulled olly down next to him. He wrapped Olly up in his massive towel, so he couldnt physically get closer to him. Although Olly had fallen asleep within seconds of being in his boys arms Jaymi continued to make shapes on his bare back using his finger, he knew this was Ollys favourite thing and it would get him too sleep just like a lullaby to a child. Jaymi must of dozed off too because he was awoken by a text message some half an hour after him laying down, Jaymi leaned over to pull his phone off charge and read the message.

"Christmas Eve tradition to wear onesies all day.

don't break it.See you later.

love mum xx!

Jaymi laughed to himself. How could he possibily forget, with that he woke up Olly.

"Olly, babe we need to be at mums in around an hour, wake up babe." Olly opened his eyes and just stared at Jaymi.

"Im up." Olly chuckled sitting up.

"You feeling better now?"

"Yeah i think i just needed some sleep."

"Okay you promise me you'll tell me if you feel ill again wont you? Nobody will care if you go and lie down for a few hours."

"I promise and what do you mean, you? You'll come and lay with me wont you?"

"Of course i will, when do i ever leave you."

With that both boys got up and began to rummage in the draws for boxers to shove on, they then both grabbed the first one piece's out of their wardrobe and put those on too.Jaymi rummaged around in the back of the wardrobe untill he found his Mulberry bag which he promply began ramming all the clothes theyd need for the next few days at his mums. They were ready to do. Sian had dropped all the presents off the day before so all they needed was themselves and their clothes. Jaymi walked downstairs as Olly finished off his hair.

"Jesus Jaymi you are alive i wondered what the hell happened to you, youve been gone hours." Sian laughed.

"Well we had a bath then Olly felt ill again and just fell asleep, then i ended up falling asleep and then we had to pack so give me a break haha."

"Awh shit babe, will he be okay?"

"Yeah he was just a bit faint, i think hes just shattered to be honest."

"Well let me know how he is and if you need me call me and ill be their in a flash okay?"

"Course, have fun at your Mums babe and ill see you boxing day."

"Yes, be prepared to get very, very smashed Mr Hensley." Jaymi gave sian a hug the went out ot the car. Olly followed a few minutes later.

"Taking your time aren't you?" Jaymi opened the door for Olly as he fell into the car.

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