Chapter 10

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An awkward silence greeted them as they sat down at the table.

"Sorry did we disturb something? We can go back ustairs if you'd prefer?" Jaymi laughed.

"No." Jaymi paused. "Sorry son of course not we were all just thinking about what to eat first if im completey honest." There was a quiet chuckle shared by everyone and then everyone began digging into the buffet style feast Jackie had laid on for them. it was completey silent apart from the sound of chewing. Even Olly stuffed his face constantly for a good 10 minutes. The silence was eventually broken by a yawning Callum.

"Time for a bath and bed yes Mr?" Jackie asked already knowiing the answer. Callum nodded in agreement.

"Shall Uncle Aaron tuck you in again? Like last night? He'll make sure your asleep so santa can come yes?"

"Yes, santa brings me presents nanna."

"Thats why we need to go to sleep early isnt it? Because naughty boys who are still awake dont get presents do they?" Callum gasped before jumping down from the table and pulling Aarons arm.

"Hurry or santa will forget me." Everyone laughed, but Aaron did what he was told and got up from the table. Callum went round getting hugs and kisses from everyone before following his Uncle up the stairs. Jaymi looked round to Olly to see him still eating.

"Where are you finding the room to put this babe? Even im getting full up haha." Jaymi questioned his clearly starving fiance.

"Last time i ate a proper meal was the night we had diner before you left, im hungry okay." Olly smiled before shovelling the last spoon of food into his mouth.

"OLLY! I left a week today! You havent eaten in a week!" The table fell silent once more as everyone stared at Olly.

"No wonder why youve been so ill, please can you tell me in future Olly!" Jaymi said sturnly.

"Your always welcome round here honey, if your ill and Jaymi away or even if your fine and he's home it doesn't matter." Jackie piped up to try and ease the tension.

"Exac..." Jaymi started but caught the upset expression Olly had on his face out of the corner of his eye and felt like it may be best if he didnt go on. There was now a sort of awkward atmosphere sourrounding the table so Jackie and Steve took the hint that maybe they should leave Jaymi to find out just exactly what happened to Olly whilst he was away, so with that they began clearing the tables. Jaymi grabbed Ollys hand and got up from the table, he knew he'd upset Olly but he wanted to make sure he was okay. As Aaron was upstairs tucking Callum in and Jackie and Steve were in earshot of the lounge, he decided the privatest place to go was the back garden. With that Jaymi walked hand in hand with Olly out through the patio doors and went and sat on the decking outside even though it was freezing. Neither of the uttered a word the whole time, Jaymi just outstretched his arm and pulled Olly in closer.

"Im sorry Olly, I really am." Jaymi said quietly into his hair.

"Don't be." Olly snuffled as he looked at Jaymi through his tearful eyes.

"Im horrid! I've made you cry again, im so sorry baby. I didnt mean to nag at you like your a child i just want to make sure your well and safe."

"You don't need to explain yourself, I know you are, to tell you the truth i couldn't eat. The more i ate the more i threw up and the more i was sick the more i just wanted you to be by my side. Jaymi i love you." Olly barely made it through the setence before bursting into tears. Jaymi also now by this point was crying. Neither of them really knew why but all they knew was that they didnt want to be anywhere else other than in each others arms. Jackie glanced into the garden to see both boys sat leaning into each other sobbing.

"They really can get through anything those two cant they?" Steve said as he walked up behind Jackie.

"Certainly." She replied.

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