Chapter 9

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Olly continued to sleep peacefully as the door to their room was slowly opened. Jaymi looked, confused but he soon realized who’d opened the door as there was only one person small enough to do so and still not be seen.

“You can come in.” Jaymi whispered loudly. With that Callum’s head popped round the end of the bed as he walked to Jaymi’s bedside dresser. Jaymi stopped rubbing Olly’s back and rolled over allowing him to see his nephew, although he was a little constricted in his movement as Olly was still laying on one of his arms.

“I broughted this for Uncle Olly because it’s his favourite and Nanny said it will help him get better.” Callum whispered into Jaymi’s ear before handing him his Winnie the Pooh teddy.

“Awh, shall I take it and put it next to him now, so when he wakes up he’s there?”

“Yeah. Will you come and play with me Uncle Jaymi?” He paused. “Pleaseeeee.”

“I can’t right now because I need to be with Uncle Olly, but as soon as he is awake we can all play together if you like? That will be nice wont it?”

“But why can’t you come play? You’re not asleep!” Callum said insisting, he wasn’t very impressed with Jaymi’s earlier suggestion.

“Well… you know Uncle Jaymi and Uncle Olly love each other very much?” Callum nodded

“Because we love each other we stay with each other when one of us is poorly, it helps us get better.” Jaymi told Callum quietly so he didn’t wake Olly.

“Will I help him get better? I love Uncle Olly too” Callum rubbed his eyes as he finished his sentence.

“Of course you will, do you want to sleep for a while? You’re tired aren’t you?” Jaymi smiled as he spoke. As soon as he’d finished Callum was already climbing up onto the bed.

“Hang on.” Callum stopped dead in his tracks.

“Do you need the toilet before you get into bed?”  Jaymi questioned, wanting to avoid having to move once all 3 of them were comfy, Callum still stood like a statue.

“Go first then run back and we can all have a sleep, yes?”

“Okayy.” With that Callum leapt of the bed and ran out the door. The thud as Callum jumped off the bed awoke Olly who startled.

“What was that?” His eyes darted round the room.

“Babe don’t worry, it was Callum jumping off our bed. He’s just going to the loo then he’s jumping in with us for a hour of so for a nap because I told him that when someone you love is ill, it will make them better if your with them and because he loves you he wants to make you better too.” Olly just grinned and snuggled in closer to Jaymi. With that Callum came running back into the boy’s room and leapt back onto their bed.

“Come on then little man.” Olly said peering up from Jaymi’s chest to look at Callum.

“You’re awake?!” Callum replied excitedly.

“Yes but he needs to get some more sleep so come on and get comfy” Jaymi butted in laughing. As Callum crawled up through Olly’s arm he managed to neatly position himself in-between the already comfy couple, and both him and Olly seemed to be using Jaymi’s chest as a pillow. Within a matter of minutes all 3 boys were asleep. Even Jaymi.

As the boys slept Jackie prepared a small buffet for the family as their tea. Shortly after she began preparation Aaron and Steve returned home. As they walked in they were both a little surprised to be greeted by only Jackie. Where was everyone?

“Where’s everyone gone?” Aaron chuckled after kicking off his shoes and flinging his coat on a peg.

“It’s a long story but Callum went upstairs to play with Jaymi, must have been an hour or so ago now and Olly is asleep because he was ill again whilst you were out.”

“Oh no, not again, what this time?”

“He had another fit. He was perfectly fine, then all of a sudden he asked me to take Callum off his lap which I did, then he laid down and asked for Jaymi, which I thought was a bit odd and no sooner had I called Jaymi, his eyes started rolling then he had another fit. It happened so fast and Jaymi was absolutely distraught.”

“Poor lad. Do they know why this has happened?” Steve asked worryingly.

“Nope not a clue, we all just have to hope it’s a weird one of few days and they he will be okay.” Jackie and Steve continued to talk about the medical details as Aaron went on upstairs to find his Nephew who he hadn’t properly seen yet and see how his Brothers were. He heard no noise coming from the toddler’s room as he walked upstairs, which confused him a little, even more so when he looked in the door and neither Jaymi nor Callum were in there. Confused as to where they were Aaron looked in his brothers room and funny enough there Jaymi was snuggled up with both Olly and Callum asleep on him, all 3 still soundo. Aaron was creased up as he ran back down stairs to grab his mum to look at the scene. When they returned Aaron, Jackie and Steve all stood chuckling at the 3 of them sound asleep, all curled up, before taking multiple photos. Then Jackie and Steve promptly went back to the Kitchen to lay out the food on the table, leaving Aaron the task of waking up the sleeping lions.

“Oi. You lot.” Aaron said loudly

“Fuck off Aaron.” Jaymi swore as he slowly came around.

“Mums made dinner and it’s going on the table as we speak.”

“Ergh.” Jaymi grunted as he rolled over and sat up. Both Olly and Callum were also awake and sat up too.

“Uncle Aaron your back.” Callum shouted rather excitedly.

“Of course I am, little man.” With that Aaron walked around the Jaymi’s side of the bed and picked Callum up from the mess of legs and duvet that was his brother’s bed. He then carried him downstairs for tea.

“Are you feeling up to dinner?” Jaymi asked Olly apprehensively.

“Im not going to lie to you Jay, I could eat a horse.” Olly chuckled and with that both boys got out of their comfy bed and slowly made their way downstairs. Jaymi had his arm round Olly the whole was as to support him as he was still extremely tired and weak considering his past ordeals.

In sickness and In healthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن