Chapter 2

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Jaymi was suddenly awoken after around two hours of sleep, to see Olly shaking in his arms.

“OLLY, OLLY WAKE UP” Jaymi screamed in desperation. “SIANNNN CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!”

Jaymi leapt out of bed and flung the covers off his clearly overheating fiancé. Sian bolted into their room slamming the door back against the wall.

“What’s wrong? I heard you screaming”

“Olly’s fitting! Sian call and ambulance now I don’t know what to do!”

Sian rang the ambulance as Jaymi did his best to keep Olly in a stable position.

“Ambulance is on its way! and ive opened the door so they can come straight in.”

“Sian I don’t know what to do anymore, why is he having a seizure, why is he like this, I thought he just had a sickness bug !”

“Jaymi calm down he’s going to be okay” Sian did her best to reassure Jaymi, as she put one arm around him and held Olly’s other hand so that when he came round he was with the two people he trusted most. 

“Hang on Jaymi he’s boiling get him out of this onesie asap! Ill hold his head still and you get him out of this he’s far too hot!”

With that Jaymi leapt to his feet and began removing his fiancés thrashing limbs from his one piece, at this point Olly was moving about less and less but he was still not out of danger yet. The paramedics arrived at the door and Jaymi yelled them into his room.

“Please do something, He will be okay wont he.” Jaymi cried out, Sian held her tearful roommate as the paramedics steadied Olly’s seizure.

“If you don’t mind Jaymi would you mind informing us of what actually happened?” Asked one of the three paramedics all currently crowding Olly’s bed.

“Well” Jaymi stuttered “He’s had a sickness bug for the past few days but I’ve only been home since last night so I only just found out, and he was last sick around 4 hours ago. After he was sick we went to bed and then I woke up about 15 minutes ago to Olly shaking and I just don’t know what to do, please tell me he’ll be okay” By this point it was almost impossible to understand a word Jaymi was saying as his tears muffled his speech.

“He’s going to be absolutely fine Jaymi, do you know if Olly’s ever had any seizures before?”

“He had a few when he was younger I think.”

“Exactly as I thought! All that’s happened is Olly’s immune systems been weakened substantially this past week with his constant vomiting and He’s just had a seizure as a reaction to his extreme temperature, it’s more common for these type of seizures to occur in small children but as Olly suffered with such episodes as a child that would probably explain why he’s just had this seizure. The chances are this will never happen again and apart from him being a little lethargic in the next few days he will be perfectly fine.”

“Thank god, trust you Oliver!” Jaymi said with relief before planting a kiss on Olly’s forehead.

“Also there is also no need for us to take him in, unless you feel like you would prefer him to be under doctor’s supervision?”

“If it’s not necessary, I’d prefer him be at home with me.”

“Okay then, Olly’s episodes finished now but he will be extremely tired so my suggestion is to leave him for around an hour, then wake him up and ask him to drink some water or something, because if he’s dehydrated it increases the chance of another seizure. I also suggest maybe sleeping him on the sofa with you just nearby because we need to keep his temperature low and if he’s tangled in sheet or around your body heat this may effect this.”

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