Harry Potter [Sirius x Reader]

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Imagine...being at the centre of Sirius Black's attention and him hardly being able to stay away from you and when you two make a deal how's it going to end?

being at the centre of Sirius Black's attention and him hardly being able to stay away from you and when you two make a deal how's it going to end?

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Godric, I thought dealing with two brothers was bad until I came to Hogwarts. The boys are like dogs, some more than others. This is exactly why I had been deemed the hardest girl in Hogwarts to get.

I had never dated anyone, not even shown interest in one single boy in Hogwarts, well that's what they thought. Many boys had tried their luck at me but all had failed. After failing most went off to seek an easier target but there was one that just kept coming back, time and time again. Sirius Black.

I loathed the guy, not only because he was so persistent, or his annoying acts of public humiliation which varied from once jumping in the Gryffindor Table during dinner and screaming 'GO OUT WITH ME' at the top of his lungs at me, no, the reason I loathed him was because he was the only guy to get me to successfully feel something for him.

Not that I let him know this, no no no, I put up a facade, one that made it look like I hated him most on this Earth, which couldn't be more untrue, it was quite the opposite actually but I pushed my feelings to the side as I thought the feelings would suddenly just disappear one day. Like I would wake up and just not love him. I think I secretly knew that would never happen but I had hope, my own stubbornness is my downfall.

The reason I pushed my feelings to the side is quite obvious, he's a player, the biggest player in Hogwarts and up until he had his eyes set on me, he would have a new girl each week. I thought I could get past my feelings but I have never been so wrong.

"(L/n)!" The call of my surname dragged me out of the comfort of my thoughts and I whipped around, my hair flowing as I continued to clutch my book close to my chest. A scowl settled on my face and it grew even stronger as I realised who had called me. The man himself, Sirius Black along with the rest of his group. They call themselves the 'Marauders', let me give you a quick overview.

Sirius Black, also known as Padfoot. His almost coal like hair falls in loose waves to his shoulders, every once in a while he would run his fingers through it to give it that 'slicked back' messy look.

His eyes reminded me of ashes and smoke blowing in the wind coming from a fire that burned everything to the ground. They were intense, coming from that fire that burned deep within his soul.

The man is a clear head higher than most people I would consider tall. Somehow he isn't lanky though, there's bulk on him too. Of course Lupin is taller, that lanky gentleman could beat most people by a mile.

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