Twilight [Paul x Reader]

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Imagine... Being Bella's sister and finding out you're Paul's Imprint.

 Being Bella's sister and finding out you're Paul's Imprint

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Being Bella's sister isn't all fun and games. During her whole 'falling in love with a vampire' fun, I was in my room watching Netflix and crying over my poor excuse of a life. I never really got involved in her drama until she got married and my darling niece was born.

I love Renesmee with every fibre of my being so when Bella asked me to attend a meeting with the wolf shifters to look after the little girl (who wouldn't stray far from her parents) I agreed instantly. Though after my decision was made I regretted it instantly and realised what I agreed to.


Renesmee held my hand as we walked, talking to me aimlessly, occasionally stopping to show me a memory when it's too hard to explain.

The meeting itself was to discuss any issues, these meetings happen once every few weeks randomly, depending on the number of issues needing to be discussed.

The reason I had never met the wolf shifters because is because meeting men who turn into large rabid dogs when angry was never really on my bucket list, vampires with superpowers was enough for me.

Renesme gave me a concerned look.

"I'm alright sweetheart, a little nervous is all," I smiled, squeezing her hand reassuringly. We came to a clearing in the woods, standing beside one another in a line, me beside Alice and Renesmee.

Alice kept smirking at me, Jasper narrowing his eyes as he looked forward

"What?" I questioned defensively, growing uncomfortable under her gaze.

"Nothing," she spoke nonchalantly as she entwined hands with Jasper.

"You two are unbelievable," I mumbled sourly, rolling my eyes and not a second later, lots of hot guys emerged.

"Welcome," Carlisle smiled as my eyes scanned across the line of wolf men.

Holy shit. Who. Is. That. I gazed at the man, he was god like.

I heard Edward snort beside me, looking at me with a smirk.

"Edward, stop reading my mind, I can't have any privacy in this family," I whined, Renesmee giggling.

"Stop fighting you two," Bella chided, making me pout.

"Edward started it," I mumbled sourly, deciding to go back to gazing at pretty boy, only to find him already looking at me.

Eye contact was made and my entire body froze. I found myself entranced by him. A glowing heat filled me, my heart beating so loud even a normal human could hear it, never mind shape shifters or vampires.

I saw he tensed, our eyes not leaving each other's for a second. Well that was until..

"WHAT THE FUCK, NOPE," I shrieked, making the supernatural beings jump as I ran in the opposite direction, we'll tried to at least.

Alice and Jasper appeared at either side of me within seconds and grabbed one of my arms each, lifting me with ease and hauling me back to the clearing.

"This is total bull, this is why Emmett and Rosalie are my favourite," I complained. I looked towards the tanned man once again and blushed when I realised he was still frozen, well that was until his buddy beside him nudged him and he snapped out of it.

I attempted to look anywhere but his eyes, they were spectacular and I knew I would melt in them.

"I think Paul and (y/n) need to talk," Alice smirked as she let go of me. Jasper had his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me up off the ground. Wolfy didn't look happy about Jasper holding me.

I clawed at Jaspers back, trying to get away, reaching towards freedom.

He eventually set me down but blocked me as I went to sprint away once again.

"Stupid vampires with your stupid super speed and stupid strength, I'm going to murder you all in your sleep," I growled under my breath, glaring at him. Some of the wolves snorted at my threat against the vamps, covering their laughs with coughs.

"First my daughter and now my sister?" Bella snarled but Edward wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"I think this is a good thing, when was the last time she went on a date? Or actually left her room?" Edward spoke and I loudly gasped.

"Edward!? You're meant to be helping me! And I'll have you know I went on a date last week," I crossed my arms.

"Yeah and you punched him," Bella rolled her eyes.

"Should've kept his hands off the merchandise, he deserved that black eye," I smiled innocently, shooting her a wink with finger guns.

"Did he deserve the bruised balls as well?" Emmett chuckled.

"Yes, yes he did,"

"Oh yeah, you and Paul are made for each other," I blushed once again as the youngest wolf spoke.

"Why don't you come back with us for lunch and you and Paul can get to know each other?" another wolf asked and just as I was about to protest, Alice stepped forward.

"She'd love to," she grinned and I spun round with a face that said 'da fuq?'

"How about SHE answers," Paul spoke and I still refused to look into his eyes for a moment.

"I would love to have lunch with you all but oh look at the time! I have a date I need to get ready for," with Netflix, I smirked internally as I smiled innocently and began to walk in the opposite direction of the canines.

"Netflix, ice cream and crying by yourself doesn't count as a date," Edward exposed me and I gasped dramatically.

"I'll have you know me and Loki have a very special date planned which consists of Avengers, Thor, Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok,"

"Tom Hiddleston will never date you, give the dream up, it isn't going to come true," Emmett crushed my dreams and stomped on them then threw them out the window into a volcano. I sniffed, grabbing a tissue out of my pocket and blew my nose.

"He's just so beautiful," I hiccupped as my eyes watered, somebody wrapped their arms around me and I looked up....damn.

"Oh god, Marry me you perfect specimen," I breathed out and I could feel the vibrations coming from his chest as he laughed. It was like music to my ears. Laughter was heard all around us too, from my family and his.

"This is why I didn't want to look you in the damn eyes," I whined.

"Great, now I'm hooked, guess I'm just gonna have to stay with you for the rest of your life," I sighed mockingly, placing a finger on my chin.

"I'm holding you to that," he smirked, making my knees weak.

"Come along future husband I met twenty minutes ago, me and you are going to my apartment and I'm forcing you to have a movie marathon, you can cuddle me to satisfy your imprint needs but if you try anything, I'll see to it you get neutered puppy," I smiled innocently as I linked our arms and set us off in the direction of my apartment.

"Dog jokes? Really?"

"Get used to it Wolf Boy,"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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