Harry Potter [Teddy x Reader]

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Imagine...owning a shop in hogsmeade, despite still being a student and showing Teddy around.

owning a shop in hogsmeade, despite still being a student and showing Teddy around

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Your family owned a small shop in between The Three Broomsticks and Talia's Secret Garden. It was a petite shop from the outside but inside it was huge, creatures from pixies to Phoenixes to winged horses like thestrals that had been shrunk using a spell flew free around the shop. It sold supplies that any creature owner would need, like food and specialties for certain creatures. You also sold the baby's of the creatures that were not illegal or dangerous. It was a very popular place and thanks to it you had money to afford the apartment above your shop where you now live, mostly because your parents were killed during The Battle Of Hogwarts.

During the holidays and Hogsmeade weekends you would work in the shop and when you were away, you would magically set everything so they would have their daily needs. At 10 am a magically set dispenser would feed the creatures, at 11 am all the cleaning supplies cleaned the creatures and cleaned the shop. It was always pristine. And from 12am onwards they would be allowed to roam, well most of them. Things like the basilisk weren't, which you were given special permission to own, although it took you years. You were in sixth year, a year of peace, a year that doesn't have OWLs or NEWTs for you to worry about. So you spent most your time relaxing and reading more about the magical creatures. You got O's in all your subjects, Care of magical creatures, Charms, Transfiguration, Astronomy, Defense Against Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, Arithmancy and Divination. Not that it was easy, you worked yourself to the limit and you couldn't spend as much time with your creatures which you were sad about, which was why you were happy about this year.

It was a normal Hogsmeade weekend and you skipped down the halls towards the Great Hall for breakfast. You hummed a tune and was just happy to finally be able to see your creatures. You quickly gobbled up your food before rushing out of the castle and started your track towards Hogsmeade. As you walked you spotted a boy with Blue hair, a Hufflepuff in your year, Teddy Lupin, lives with the Potters, close to James Potter, known pranker and rule breaker. You were very observant and due to being alone most of the time, not many people noticed you so you would hear all the Hogwarts drama, not that you cared. He was alone and looked quite saddened so you decided to go up and say hi. You caught up to him and when he turned and to look at who was now walking beside him, you gave him a large grin.

"I noticed you were a bit upset, may I ask what is the matter?" You asked softly and he smiled weakly.

"I was stood up, should have seen it coming honestly," he shook his head and you frowned. Who would do something like that, he seems very sweet. An idea soon popped into your head and you smiled.

"How about you come with me then, it may not be as exciting as your date would have been but I'm sure my creatures would be happy to see a new face," you suggested and his mood soon perked up.

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