Harry Potter [Draco x Reader]

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Imagine... being Draco's wife and Ginny's best friend and every time you see each other you make fun of your husbands' old rivalry.

 being Draco's wife and Ginny's best friend and every time you see each other you make fun of your husbands' old rivalry

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I grinned as I walked through the halls, it was the Hogwarts reunion, a tradition McGonagall had suggested we had every year on the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. Anyone who survived the battle was invited along with their kids who, if older, were already in Hogwarts for the school year to begin with.

"You look awfully cheerful, Darling," Draco commented, my arm linked through his.

"I'm just excited to see everyone again, especially Scorpius," I was practically shaking with excitement as we entered the Great Hall.

Draco still got some weird looks but only from a select few, he had changed his ways and was surprisingly well liked nowadays.

I spotted the Potters and Weasleys, Scorpius among them, chatting with Albus. Draco caught sight of them as I steered us in in their direction but as soon as me and Ginny made eye contact, the charade began.

"POTTAH!" I exclaimed, imitating my husband, heads snapping in our direction.

"MALFOY!" Ginny followed along, standing up tall.

"Honey please, not again," Draco groaned, rolling his eyes.


"Shut up, Malfoy," Ginny spat, we were quite talented in the way of imitation, especially when it came to making fun of our husbands and their old rivalry.

"Really it's not funny anymore," Harry sighed and it was silent for a moment.

"Potter! You've got yourself a girlfriend!" I exclaimed and that was it for us, Ginny and I burst out laughing. There was something so spontaneously sickeningly satisfying about making fun of them.

"Mum!" Scorpius grinned and I chuckled, pulling him into a tight hug, dragging Albus into my warm embrace too.

"You find pleasure in my embarrassment, don't you," Draco muttered and I chuckled, placing a delicate kiss on his lips.

"It's your reaction, darling, it's priceless,"

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