oops my bad

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Peter: Ned, Ned guess what!

Peter: Ned?

Peter: ru alive Ned??

Peter: Did the aliens get you Ned??


Unknown: How did you get this number?

Peter: Oops my bad

Unknown: Seriously how did you get this number it's supposed to be private

Peter: my friend gave me the wrong number sorry

Unknown: Oh that's fine as long as you're not trying to hack or kill me

Peter: who would kill you, who are you????

Unknown: Your hero

Peter: Free food??

Unknown: i'm sorry, what?

Peter: hey, foods expensive!!!

Unknown: not really

Peter: for me it is Mr. Food

Unknown: did you just call me Mr. Food?

Peter: yeah, because you won't tell me your name so i'll call you Mr.Food

Unknown: how old are you?

Peter: I shouldn't tell a stranger my age

Unknown: that's very smart, but you don't have to worry

Peter: Peter and i'm 16

Unknown: so your name's Peter

Peter: oh shit, i'm not supposed to tell you my name either

Unknown: too late

Peter: noon are you coming to kidnap me?

Peter: Do you work for the Aliens??

Peter: Are you going to latch onto my face???

Unknown: no jeez kid, you're strange

Peter: yeah I get that a lot, along with Puny Parker, Penis and Penis Parker

Unknown: by who, and so your last name is Parker...

Peter: FUCK, i'm going to die please don't kidnap me

Unknown: Don't worry I won't

Peter: Ok thank you

Unknown: So what were you going to tell your friend, uh ned?

Peter: Oh I was just going to tell him about what our teacher said, he wasn't in school today.

Unknown: what did your teacher say?

Peter: He told us that tomorrow we are going to be taking a mock internship exam for Stark towers to see if we would get accepted

Peter: which we probably won't because it's only open to college students but he said we could try

Unknown: Maybe you will get the job, Peter

Peter: yeah, I don't think so

Unknown: what are your grades?

Peter: ummm, straight A+'s with one A in english because I don't like that class

Unknown: wow, those are some great grades, what is your favorite class then?

Peter: Chemistry all the way, but i'm great at math too.

Unknown: so you're like a mini scientist

Peter: Enough about me, what do you do?

Unknown: i'm an engineer

Peter: that''s cool where do you work?

Unknown: I actually work at Stark Towers

Peter: NO WAY, have you met Tony Stark that's like my dream.

Unknown: Yeah I've met him once or twice

Peter: WOAH what was he like? Was he cool? Did he show you his lab? Have you been in his lab?

Unknown: that's a lot of questions but yes I've been in his lab

Peter: amazing, you're so lucky

Peter: anyway, i've gotta go

Unknown: well bye and good luck on your test tomorrow

Peter: thanks, i'll let you know how it went

Unknown: Ok bye


Sorry this first chapter is so short but I want to make this kind of a longish book so there will be a lot of chapters.

I hope you liked this tell me what you think if you want.

now some questions...


Stony or Ironstrange??

ok thanks for reading:):):):):):)

"How'd you get this number?" Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now