Chapter Nine

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13 Years Ago.

Location: Unknown.

It's dark. It's warm, It was beautiful. The moonlight shines so brightly in the night sky which brought the natural lighting to the scene more romantic. All fireflies were dancing all around with the warm breeze the wind was providing, It showed it was the beginning of Summer. Two young adults lay together, bare, under the male's black cloak next to a lake. The two has been traveling for months now, and it became the happiest time for both of them.

"Happy Birthday"

Sasuke smiled and turned his head to the woman who has his heart and forever will. She lays on his shoulder, with her hand on his bare chest to where his heart is. She can feel his heart racing as she feels the same way.

"Thank you, my love"

The months they spent outside the village was the best time of their lives. No one to stare and judged Sasuke for the mistakes he made, the crimes he committed, or the fact that everyone wanted him to serve more time locked up. But thanks to Naruto and the woman next to him, they made a deal with the Sixth Hokage. But also because of the deal, both Harshiama and Madera made from the time the Leaf was being built.



"Let's have a baby"

The image of a child of Sasuke Uchiha and (Y/N) Senju is the imagine they both had in mind ever since they met. An very few people in the village knew that Sasuke and (Y/N) married in secret, not because of the deal but because they loved each other. Those people are the 1st to 6th Hokages, Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuga, Kushina Uzumaki, Itachi Uchiha, the parents of both Sasuke and (Y/N). Kakashi told the remaining Kages of the other nations of the union of the Senju and Uchiha in hoping Sasuke's crimes to those are no more.

"What about Sakura? From the letter Hinata and Naruto sent us, she could find us any time now. And you know how she is when it comes to you. She'll try and do something to have you come to her and leave me."

"No worries about her. She found me in the last town we were in while you were getting a few things. She's under the Rinnegan Jutsu. In other words, she believes I'm with her traveling instead of you"

"Kinda cruel darling. But if it will keep her off us while we try and conceive this baby then let's do it."

Sasuke smiles. His actual real smile. Such a beautiful sight for (Y/N).

"Best birthday present you can ever give me my love."

Throughout the night the couple made love under the moonlight. The passion and love they both felt were unbelievable. Sasuke was determined to make sure (Y/N) was pregnant by the end of the night. No matter how many rounds it takes.


Sakura was with the clone Sasuke in the middle of the night in a cave, laying down as she realized something. Sasuke's smiles. A smile she never has seen in her life. Expect the crazy smile he had after fighting the five Kages. That's when she woke up.

She was in a cave. Alone. She looks around, searching for Sasuke. She gets up and goes out of the cave and seen the town that she found him at. She connected the dots. He used a Jutsu on her. Sakura felt betrayed. This happened again.

He could be anywhere. Anywhere in the nations and even in time. She let a sign-out and left to head back to the Leaf. She hopes Naruto knows where he is so she can head towards his direction.


It took her 4 months to get to the Leaf and the first thing she did was let the Hokage know she was back home. As she walks to the Hokage building as hears whispers all around.

"Did you hear? (Y/N)-sama is now married."

"She is? Congrats to her. He must be one lucky man. Almost every man has tried getting a date with her but she always turns them down"

"She is! Hopefully, we will have a baby Senju coming soon. The first senju child born after so many years. I hope she will have more than one."

"Yeah! I heard Lord First will have a celebration if she does have a child."

"I hope Lord Second doesn't kill him. Besides, I wonder if she married that Uchiha."

"Which one?"


That's when Sakura stopped walking and continued hearing them talk.

"If she did then hopefully she keeps him in line. But then again she does bring good out of him, they would make a great couple. But who knows who she married. She always keeps her private life private."

Sakura started her walk again. She can feel the rage slowly build inside her.

The image of Sasuke marrying (Y/N) and having a child with her brings so much rage towards her. That should have been HER! Not (Y/N). Not the women who didn't care for Sasuke. Sakura always loved and cared for Sasuke, it should have been her.

Sakura reached the Hokage building and goes to the office. She knocks and opened the door without waiting for permission. And stands there was Naruto. Sasuke. Harashima Senju, Madara Uchiha, Kakashi sensei and the women she hated the most, (Y/N).

"What's going on?"

Sakura turns her eyes to (Y/N), who was standing close to Sasuke and looked down on her body. Her rage was building up faster.

(Y/N) was close to her husband with a small noticeable bump. Which meant one thing.

The child of both Senju and Uchiha blood.

(Y/N) was pregnant with Sasuke's baby. 

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