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As march 5th approached we got everything together.  i picked out a simple Victorian looking dress. i had made cakes in the past and loved doing it so i bought all the stuff i needed and made a simple cake for just zak and i and those that would be in the chapel with us and then made 10 sheet cakes 5 in balk and 5 in red. i was up late the night before the wedding with the cakes and getting them to the museum and as i sat in the back room decorating them zak was working with staff to set everything up for the next day. Now we where not going to close down the museum we planed to just block off the chapel room for our wedding. we knew that guest of the museum would see our wedding but I didn't care. when everything was set for the next day zak drove me to my house so we did not see each other before the wedding. 

the next day i took my time getting ready and did my hair in a French braid and then the end in a bun.  i got my dress on and looked to the clock and then saw it was about time for Aaron and the crew to pick me up to take me to the museum.  i put the few things i needed in a bag when the guys got there and nocked on the door. As i was walking to let them in i heard it open and in walks Aaron, Billy, jay, and nick. Now no one had seen my dress and when i came out to greet then they stopped and about fell dead on the floor. wow they said you look just gorges. Aaron being his goofy self said wow Zak is going to just want to grab you and skip the vows and run off when he sees you. ok Aaron i say laughing if you think so. nick takes my bag out to the truck and gets in the drivers seat. i get in the front next to nick and the rest of the guys hop in the back. 

When we get to the museum i thought that zak was not there yet, but he was. i was planning on walking down the isle alone to my groom but after being taken to zaks office to wait there was a man sitting in zaks office alone working on a iPad. I clear my thought um who are you I ask. Oh I'm sorry zak said I should wait here, him and I are friends and anytime he buys a car he comes to me I'm Josh Towbin I brought zak his new car this morning. I giggle another car don't he have enough already? well everyone calls me Chop, an well we men can never have enough muscle if you know what i mean. i look to him I am so not answering that.  Chop reaches out his hand i take it shaking his hand, i take it you are the lucky bride? I smile yes thank you. well i ask zak if i could give you away as he said you would be walking alone. i feel no bride should walk down the isle alone to meet her groom. I smile thanks that would be nice. i could see that zak had got me flowers red and white. they where jsut perfect. i pick them up as Chop say looking to his watch well my lady i think its about time to meet you groom. 

As i stand with chop just around the corner from the chapel room and i hear music start, i had ask zak to find a song for me to walk down the isle to meet him. He chose 3 days grace - fallen angle. The song ment so much to me, him , us. it spoke valumes about the hell life put me through and how he was there to save me. as i was walked down the isle to zak and the song finished chop placed my hand in Zak's and i steped to stand before him. the pastor started to speak and all i could do was look up in to zak's eyes. when it came time to say our vows we had chose to make ours personal. Zak went first.  

Zak:  Beka we have know  one another for so many years, bestfriends. you have been the best friend a guy could ask for. i stand here today after having went threw hell to save you. that day i flew out to find you when you were to be flying to me, i thought id lost you i did not know what i was going to find when that plane touched down. you are still by my side and you have made me ever so happy becoming my bride and in joining with me till the end. till the day we cross over to the other side.

Beka: Zakery the day my world went cold and i woke to you there before me, i still never could have thought that we would be standing here becoming one, really one hell of a team. but you turned my world upside down when you opened up and i realized  how you realy felt for me that  more than being just a best friend. today i give you my heart, body, and soul to hold for eternity. i love you ZAB from the deppest depths of my soul and forever more will and yes till we cross over to the other side. And if for some reason the gods take you from me you best be the only spirit to haunt me. 

Every one laughed at my last line and zak mouthed to me ok dolly. we where then pronounced man n wife and zak pulled me in his arms kissing me with a passion that only a true love could. we walked to a back room to cut our cake and take a few pictures. when we went to feed each other cake we went total child like and smashed it in each other face. then zak kissed me with cake all over each of us, everyone thought it was the funniest thing ever. staff cut the sheet cakes and plated it and zak and I took time to go out to the the line of adoring fans handing cake out to them. when it was announced as we walked outside that we where Mr. and Mrs. bagans they clapped and cheered. a few fans where yelling for zak to kiss me they all waned to see and he did. I totally went red clenching my fingers in to his side as he took me by surprise. after a few hours of being at the museum celebrating zak said he had something he had to do and he would be right back. I was talking to a fan in the gift shop area and a staff member approached me and said that I was being asked to go to zaks office, I excused myself and did. when I got to his office door and then went in he was sitting there with chop, you asked for me love I said. Yes I need to have you sign this paper ok I said what is it. you need to sign for my wedding gift to you. ok I said not thinking much of it, after I did and set the pen down I was handed a set of keys from chop. I look to zak, Zakary what did you do? he took my hand leading me outside to find a brand new Rolls-Royce with a big red bow on it I screamed OMG. Zak mine, he nodded. it had the suicided doors and was all black and purple accent my favorite color.  

After bidding everyone goodnight zak and I got in my new car but he drove. we where on our way to his house well now our house. 

Falling for my best friend ((ZAK BAGANS fan fic))Where stories live. Discover now