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As Zak pulled into the drive put the car in park and shut it off. He got out and walked over to my side opening the door and holding out his hand. I smile taking his hand and step out, he pulls me in close and as he shuts the door he whispers seductively welcome home Mrs. Bagans. I smiled kissing his cheek you too Mr. Bagans. I had to tease him just a little. He then picks me up bridal style and carries me into the house and right in the master bedroom. As Zak set me down Gracie ran in after us and hopped up on the bed, smiling zak rolled his eyes and as he walked over to the bed he took off his shirt and tossed it on the end of the bed, come on girl he said to Gracie. He started petting her sorry girl but not tonight.  I walk over to him why don't you let this cutie out and ill go change into something a bit comfier. I smiled at him as he went to let Gracie out. I went into the bathroom and started to take off my dress I lay it over the dressing table chair and I go into the walk-in closet and open a draw and take out a silk nightgown that I purchased a few days ago just for tonight and hid it away so I would not have to forget it. I go back to the bathroom taking off my bra and stalking's tossing them in the hamper and pull the silk gown over my small slender body. I hear zak come in the bedroom and shuts the door so Gracie can't get in.  I start to take down my hair and start to brush it. Zak knocks softly on the door I hear him ask if all is ok.  yes I say it's open if you want to come in, he opens the door just a little peeking in, you need anything love that I can get you. can you get me a bottle of water and a can of soda so if my sugar gets low in the night, he smiles sure ill be right back. I walk out and sit on the bed still brushing my hair when zak comes back into the room. he sets a few things on the nightstand and turns to ask if I need help with my hair, I smile handing him the brush. he crawls on the bed behind me and gently starts brushing my long dark hair then he puts it in s simple braid. wrapping his arms around me I lean back onto his bare chest. Zab, hmmm he had started kissing my shoulder you are a little over-dressed for bed. He leans close to my ear why don't you help me then. Oh so you just suddenly forget how to get undressed I tease. Maybe he replies. I get up turning to stand before him and then kneel down placing a knee between his legs putting my hand on his shoulders pushing him back I lean over him starting to kiss down his chest. in a husky tone mmm come here my dolly and I do. he rolls us over on the bed and he straddles me at my hips, he leans down to kiss me. You know you never have to do anything you don't want to love. ill never push you to do something you are not ready to do.  Oh shut up and kiss me I tell him. As he kisses me he takes a hand slipping it under my nightgown sliding his fingertips gently along my side. I look into his eyes biting my lower lip I could feel his hunger grow. he sits me up slipping my gown off my body. he sits up a bit tossing my gown to the floor and gazing over my body before him. I reach for his belt undoing it and then undoing the top of his pants. he stands taking them off and I sit up watching him finish undressing before me. he crawls over me helping me slide up to rest my head on a pillow. we start to kiss again and I wrap my arms around his neck. as we take a breath I beg him to touch me. he slides his hand slowly down over my panties. I moan almost as if to beg for more. he slides my panties off of me and tosses them aside. I wanted him all over me, for once in my life I wanted a man to be a little rough but zak was so gentle and loving in his touch. As he let his hand find my sweet spot and was gently playing with it my eyes roll back and I was moaning his name. Oh, you like that he whispers and I pull him into a kiss. He then takes a finger slipping it into me and my back arches and a gasp as shock waves hit me. After about 2 hours of making out and when I thought I just had nothing left he whispered ready I bit my lip and nodded he climbed over me and held himself up with his hands on either side of me I was running my fingertips over his back when he pushed into me. feeling him I dug my nail into him crying out begging him to not stop. I was in bliss. after an hour of him making love to me, he lay next to me and pull me close I couldn't keep my eyes open and he held me in his arms as I slept in bliss. 

FF a month

I woke early the morning of zak's  43rd birthday putting my robe on and making my way to the kitchen. zak was still asleep,  he had just gotten back from a lockdown a few days ago. I knew he was so worn out and so needed sleep this last lockdown was hard on him. Since our wedding day if he was not at the museum, on a lockdown, traveling for work, he was home with me, and being home with me alone was the thing he spent the least of time on. I was ok with it as I knew he was working and his work was his passion.  I made something to eat I did not want to wake zak just to eat I thought id make him something when he woke. I sat on the couch with Gracie eating yogurt and a peach when I could hear footsteps coming down the hall. A sleepy zak came out in just sweats sitting next to me pulling me into a tight hug, he smiles so this Is where my girl snuck off too. I giggled I didn't sneak anywhere, I playfully smack his leg. then turn to kiss him. I finish eating and go to get up to take my things back to the kitchen, zak followed me  I smile at him Happy birthday babe I say. Zak smiles running his hand through his hair, so he starts to say I know we never really talked about this but how do you feel about trying to have a baby? Hearing those words I spin around on my heel with a look of shock.  Did I just hear you ask about starting a family? Yes, I did doll. we never really talked about when we wanted to try to start and well I realized the other day we have not been trying to not have it happen, so really you could be already. then it dawned on me and zak saw it in my eyes. what are you thinking? speaking as if I did not want to think it could happen so soon for us, not that I would mind. I look to him Zab, what is it? I'm 2 weeks late.  he pulled me close, god even first thing in the morning he smells great and that was always a turn-on for me. we stand there holding each other and there is a knock at the door. as zak goes to answer the door I say that I'm going to jump in the shower and get dressed for the day. 

when Zak answers the door it's his mom and dad to bring him his birthday gift from them.  They were seated at the kitchen table having coffee when I walked out and joined them with a cup of my own. zak asks what are you drinking there love I joke a good cup of joe, we all laugh and he jumps up.  You should not have that if you um he whispers in my ear and his mom turns to ask why he took me coffee away from me. she suddenly stops wait, she turns to look at me. Are you? Zak smiles we think it's a big possibility that she is.  I scrunch my nose its a maybe I have not taken a test yet to know if I am or not. well all the more reason for you to open your gist from us Zakary his dad says. his mom hands him a small rectangular box and he opens it. to see his grandparent's wedding rings. your grandma wanted you to have them when you settled down one day his dad says. as he sat down unable to speak I put my hands on his shoulders and kissed his head now you have them with you always I whisper. 

Later that day we are on our way to Aaron's house and I ask zak to stop at the pharmacy on the way I had some meds to get as I go in to get them I grab a pregnancy test too. I had my bigger purse with so I shoved everything in it as I walked back out to the car. when we get to Aarons I excuse myself to the restroom as I had to go pretty bad and I take the test at that time I wait a few minutes I knew what Zak's birthday gift was from me. I walk out and join everyone outback, I sit next to zak as we are all around the fire pit. I lean in close and whisper in his ear someone else asked me to wish you a happy birthday. who he whispers back. Your bun in the oven. he shot me an odd look at then it clicked. He turns to me unable to stay quiet don't F*****g play with me on that, I shake my head starting to cry. everyone there just stops and looks at us. the first week of December I say. he picked me up swinging me around. I smile you're going to be a daddy I say to him as he sets me down. 

A few hours later it was just zak and myself still at Aaron's house I wanted to stay and help clean up things. When zak and Aaron had been going over a few things for GAC, they came into the kitchen and I had just started the dishwasher and had almost gotten all the trash bagged up and the counters just needed to be whipped off. zak stood in the doorway and I hear Aaron say wow beka you did not have to clean for me I could have done it. I smile it's ok I needed something to do while you two were doing work stuff. zak opened up his arms come to me my dolly, I did and he held me in his arms saying that he wanted to take his loves home. I knew he was talking about me and the baby I was carrying. We each hugged Aaron goodnight and started on our way home.

Falling for my best friend ((ZAK BAGANS fan fic))Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz