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A few weeks later I was at the museum working and I had tried to eat something before I left the house but it did not stay down. I stepped into Zaks office so I could plug in my phone. I set it on his desk and I use his office phone and call him. Dolly I hear him when he picks up all ok there, ya getting busy for a Friday like norm I start to cry all of a sudden, great I think hormones. oh, baby don't cry please you know my heart hurts hearing you cry. could you get me a peanut butter shake with Carmel and chocolate drizzle on your way in? Sure anything for my girl. oh, and I have my ob appt today later you think you can still go with me? as far as I know I'm free for it I have it set in my phone. I smile ok love I think I'm gonna nap back here for a bit. you do that zak says you and our baby need rest and you can always listen for the 2way if anything. we end our call and then the 2 way goes off calling me to the entrance I roll my eyes as I get up to go to where I'm called.  As I walked to the entrance I pass Kim and she informs me we have a special guest waiting to tur the museum, I smile ok ill take care of it being zak is not here yet. when I go out and stand with security I see the guest in question Adam Lambert. I was about to lose it, I really like his music and he was a real genuine artist. I walk up to Adam and Greet him and showing him into the museum, I go to the front counter and get the paperwork for him to fill out everyone has to do it. when he handed me the paperwork and swore with another group of guests holding their right hand up I lead him to the ballroom to wait for zak. after sitting and talking with Adam for about 10 mins we realized that our life story's started out the exact say in a way we where talking bout how he had found out that he had a twin sister that he was separated from at birth. when he told me that I said how ironic that it was as I was a twin and was given for adoption the day I was born and my maiden name was lambert, when we both realized what we had said to each other Adam spoke I wonder if I know it would be a one in a million chance but we could find out. we agreed that we could do a DNA test the next day and get it sent in as it took 6 weeks to get any results back. I mean we had the same birthday were born in the same place, and everything just matched way too well to not be true.

Suddenly I heard over the 2way I heard the master had arrived. I got on my 2way asking would a staff member please tell the master of the home he is needed in the ballroom stat. a few moments later I hear zak over the 2way ill be in the ballroom if anyone needs me then I knew that he was on his way. I looked to Adam if you could excuse me for a moment. I go in the direction that I know zak would be coming in from and I meet him in a back private hallway. I hug him tight and cry but happy tears this time witch did not happen much he handed me my shake and asked what's up, I told him who was in the ballroom and what had happened. he looked at me in total shock I thought that my husband was going to pass out. wow, he said well let's go see him. I went back into the ballroom with zak and Adam talked a bit I excused myself to go lay down in Zaks office and zak took Adam on a private tour. 

when adam had to leave I was asleep and dead to the world so he and zak exchanged numbers and said we could talk more later. Zak came into his office a few moments later and kneeled down on the floor next to me kissing my cheek and whispering in my ear that it was time to go to my dr apt. I got up yawning and we went out to Zaks truck and got in as he drove he reached overtaking my hand you seem deep in thought dolly, I turn to look at him what if Adam really is my twin I say. well let's pray for the best and if it's not true to be then we will start a search to find your brother. I smile you'd help me do that I ask. zak nods yes dolly I would family is everything you know how I feel about that.

my Dr's apt when great I was right on with what week I was due Dec 6th. dr said that the baby and I both looked to be in good health but with my lungs the way they are I was going to be high risk and that it could be pretty hard towards the end just before I have the baby. on the way out the Dr's zak turned to me and asked how I felt about him taking a year off work from GAC till I'm ready to work after the baby is born and the baby is at least 3 months old. I say lets talk about it over dinner. Later that night we went out to have a nice dinner and as Adam was still in town for a week of concert nights we asked him to join us.  We got to the restaurant a bit early getting a table in the way back in a private area. we got our drinks and zak and I talked about him taking so long off work and I had suggested that maybe when I was about 28 weeks would be a great time to have him take leave. then he wouldn't be taking so long away from work. you would take about 6 months at most off and then we would have our little ones' first holidays together as a family.  we sat there holding hands in agreement when Adam came in joining us. Zak had invited the crew also so Adam got to meet the GAC family and they him. as we all sat enjoying a great night we decided to go sing karaoke everyone was up for eh idea even Adam. I was one of the first to get up and sing I dedicated the two songs to zak tho many did not know what the songs meant for the 2 of us and well it just happened to be songs by adam what do you want from me and better than I know myself. I knew them by heart. everyone was at a loss for words as they had never heard me sing. everyone took turns going up and then it was my turn again I went for pink - sober. that is when Adam looked to Zak um question ya zak says whats up well I have a picture of my twin and I at a day old and she has a birthmark on her hip on the right side kinda looks like half of a heart well I have the other half on my left hip he says. Zaks eyes about popped out his head Adam I don't think yall need a test, adam turned his head to the side looking to zak dude your twin is my wife.   they hug in a guy sorta way welcome to our crazy family zak says to adam. Adam smiles at zak as I walk up to them leaning down to kiss zak what is up with you two getting so close and personal giggling. babe you may want to sit down a sec I have to tell you something so I sit between the boys ok spill it. Adam says well my twin has this birthmark on her front hip like a half heart and I have the other half on my left I shot a look to zak like how did he know about my birthmark.  I get up needing air and walk out to the parking lot and sit on the tailgate of Zaks truck.  zak came out looking for me I was crying dolly? this is what you wanted right? I shake my head ya but it's just coming in at me so fast I cant slow it down and it's so freaking overwhelming me. I know he says but it's a good thing you have a family now, Zak you have always been and will always continue to be my family.

About 2 months after sending in a DNA test I got a letter in the mail. I opened it Zak was away on an investigation so I face timed him when I opened the letter, when he answers Beka I just talk to you 30 mins ago I could tell he was busy and a bit upset he never says my first name unless something is wrong. I'm sorry I only called cuz I got the DNA results they just came in the mail and I wanted to call you and talk to you when I open it. I'm sorry doll this place is just getting to me and I'm not trying to take it out on you. I understand ZAb. I open the letter oh holly fuck I yell I guess the rest of the guys could hear me and they came over to zak I could see them behind him. what is it doll, Aaron yells in a goofy tone so do we have a brother to mess with or not? I scream he is my brother, zak smiled telling me to call Adam. I nod shaking and crying. Zak and I hang up and I face time Adam, hay he answers oh you have been crying you, ok ya I say Im great. I got the DNA results, Adam. ya? yep we are each other's missing link I tell him. he smiles wide well say hi to our mom and dad he turns the camera around and I see my birth parents for the first time.  

Falling for my best friend ((ZAK BAGANS fan fic))Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang