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I was at a loss for words and then I realized I had Adams cd playing his song better than I know myself.  He turns the camera back to himself and asks are you listening to my song? Oh ya, I am it's one of my and Zaks songs.  It's almost as if you knew him and I before you really knew us. adam smiles its ok sis. we then made plans to all meet so I could meet our birth parents and I felt I needed to do it without zak there but I was still unsure part of me just wanted him there. 

That night when zak face timed me as he waited for his flight home I told him that I talk to adam and we would be meeting for breakfast and id be meeting our birth parents he smiled that is great doll do you want me to go with you? well ill be with them before you get in, I gave him the info so he could write it down so he could meet us and Aaron said he would drop Zak off so we could go home together.  Zak and I talked till his flight was called I almost started crying missing him so much he gave me poutty lips saying to try and sleep tonight and he would be home before I knew it.

The next morning I got up and put on a pair of leggings and a light shirt that had an open v swoop on my back and a sports bra and then my thigh high heels. I took a look in the mirror and then grabbed my sunglasses and purse and keys. I pet Gracie and I walked out of the house telling her to be good till I got back. I went out to get in the RR zak got me for a wedding gift and set off to meet adam and our parents. I turned on the mp3 setting in my car and youngblood - 5SOS came on I cranked it and was off. I knew where adam was staying so I pulled up to valet parking and one of the valets opened my car door for me and asked guest or staying for the day I'm here to see my brother that is staying here.  As I got out of the car a large man in black approached me and asked Mrs. bagans, I nodded with a yes. he then motioned to a door if you will come with me ill take you to your brother's room. I did as he asked and when we go to the top floor I got off the elevator and I knocked on the door I heard a voice yell it open, I open the door slowly and adam comes around the corner in jeans and a t-shirt. i smiles hay sis he says huggung me. hi, bubby I say back. he grabs my hand I have something I want you to see he says leading me into another room. he took me to another room where I looked up to see our parents, they rushed over to hug me I started feeling overloaded suddenly and all I wanted was zak. I step back and then we all looked at each other and then we sat down in a living room area. we all started talking about how our lives had been. when I got to where I was now and saying zak and I had been friends for so many years our mom and dad were in shock saying not many people that had been childhood friends grew to be lifelong loves. 

After about 2 hours of talking and such, I realized adam had not told mom n dad that zak was the zak they watch on tv. For all, they knew at the moment was he could be anyone with the same name. suddenly the silence in the room was broken by a nock on the door I looked to adam I think I know who that is ill get it I say as he stood to answer the door I ran to the door opening it to see Zak, I grab him hugging him as tightly as I can. he wrapped his arms around me. I missed you too dolly. when zak let go of me he whispered in my ear so are you going to introduce me to your parents, I did not know adam had walked up to us. He looked to zak hay man so I guess you are my brother-in-law, ya man zak responds. well let me introduce you to our parents I think sis here is a bit shy and she has only just met them. zak nods taking my hand walked back with me to sit on the couch. 

After everyone got to meet one another and talk a bit Adam stood up well where should we go get a bite. Zak said he knew a place and that we could all just take my Rolls Royce. So that is what we did. After a great meal and time getting to know my birth family zak nudged me did you tell your parents about, his eyes trailed down to my stomach. I knew he was asking if I told them I was pregnant. I shook my head no. As I had yet to tell them. He leaned in close whispering I can if you want me to. I look to him with pleading eyes unable to even mouth the words to ask. Zak then looked to everyone and said that he had something to say, Adam looks to zak what's up man? well, we would like to tell you that we are expecting an addition, beka is due Dec 6th. I look to see everyone smiling, adam got up and hugged me that is awesome I get to be an uncle.  our parents hugged Zak and I say what a great blessing it was.

After about another hour or so as I was starting to fall asleep on Zak's shoulder, he turned to see and said well I should get this one home for some sleep. Adam nodded and said that he was sure I did not sleep well while Zak was away. we all got up saying our goodbyes. Adam had said his car service would pick him and mom and dad up so zak and I could just go straight home. 

Falling for my best friend ((ZAK BAGANS fan fic))Where stories live. Discover now