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A-N I think I'm going wrap up this story in the next chapter or 2 so let me know what you think

thanks, Trista

 FF Oct 17th

It was that time of year again and it was just about our little girl's first birthday. Zak and the guys were away on lockdown and would be home in about a week's time. I was blasting music while cleaning house and zayla was trying to walk all over when my skype went off and I looked up to see I was getting a group call from zak and Adam. I turned down the music and answered the call I had my laptop hooked up to the living room tv and the house sound system. When Zayla saw her daddy and uncle on the screen she squealed and giggled happily. hi, my Zab and Bubby what's up? They said that they were calling as adam and our birth mom n dad wanted to do something in Florida for Zaya's first birthday and Zak thought that was ok as long as it was ok with me. It sounds ok with me but it is a bit short notice tho.   so I told Zak that we could talk all the details over when he was home from his lockdown. everyone was ok with that and that is how we ended the call.

when the week is over and zak was home I was sitting in the home office doing accounting work for the museum and the book was not adding up it was starting to look as though money was missing.  so I saved everything and took all the paperwork I had putting it in my bag and heading down to the museum to show Zak everything. I was happy that nancey had taken Zoe for the day so that I could get somethings done that I needed to. when I got to the museum I sent Zak a text asking where he was a few seconds later I got one back that he was in the new exhibit room, so I asked him to meet me in his office. I went into the office and set all my stuff up and a few moments later zak came in. what is all this dolly? well, this is the last month's books and it is not looking good. after we went over every set of numbers in detail I told zak that he or I am going to have to put the numbers into this laptop every night to check everything. that is what we are going to have to be doing after this so that we could make sure we did not keep loosing anything anywhere. Zak and Aaron went over the video feed of the museum just to make sure they didn't catch anyone stealing. Witch, unfortunately, it is just what they found, and let me tell you that was a big mess. we got that all figured out in the end and the employee was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

With all that Zak and I were having to take care of we finally got to take a moment and settle down and have some much-needed family time. Celebrating our baby girl's first birthday.

Falling for my best friend ((ZAK BAGANS fan fic))Where stories live. Discover now