Part 1 - The arts

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Y/n Robertson is a 16 year old girl from a town where it tends to be two sided.
The wealthy people stay in one side and the not so fortunate stay on the other.
Everyone is also ordered into there class.
The 1st and 2nd class people talk to each other but it's forbidden for most 1st class people to ever talk to the 3rd class.
Which y/n absolutely hates.
She wants to be able to talk to whoever she wants to, and not involve where there raised or there parents jobs.
Y/n's parents are part of the 1st class.
Her father, Jack Robertson is a man of business and works away from home a lot.
Y/n's mother, Alice Robertson is always helping with Jack's business so y/n is normally left at alone in there huge empty home.
Y/n is very passionate about music, art and fashion, which her parents despise of.
At school y/n tends to hide behind The other students that tend to take the piss of the 3rd class students.
She knows it's wrong but she doesn't know what else to do
Ruel Van Dijk lives on the bad side of town.
His parents haven't been there for him a lot and because there trying to keep up there jobs that pay crap.
Ruel tends to get into a bit of trouble with fights, school or sketchy people and stuff.
Ruel has never let anyone be close to him before or tell them how he's feeling.
At school not many of the kids talk to him except for when the 1st class assholes are taking the piss out of him.
He just wants everyone to be excepted for who they are and not where they live or what job they do or don't have.

Part 1
The Arts
-y/n's POV-
School started today and I wasn't looking forward to it. I absolutely hated how I wasn't meant to talk to people with a lower class than mine.
I know it sounds really ungrateful but sometimes I wished I didn't live in this huge house or have all this money.
People tend to think I'm shallow and stupid, but there is a lot more to me than a rich girl.
I got up and changed and brushed my hair. My mother would despise of my outfit and style, but I liked it and I hated
sparkles and glitter.
She also hates the fact that I love music.
I've always been drawn to the arts like music, dance and photography.
I just feel like it's a way of people sharing who they are and showing others who they are or there story.
I grabbed my bag and walked to school, that was another thing my mother hated me doing. She knew the streets weren't safe and wanted me to take a bus but I liked being out in the streets and it made me feel like they was my own part of freedom.
-Ruel's POV-
I could hear the rattling of the trees against my thin glass window.
The house I lived in was very old.
I sit up in my bed and glanced around my room, there was a few of my clothes tossed on my bedroom floor and the paint on the walls was faded.
I got out of my bed and got changed to go back to hell today aka school.
I hated school because of how we were put into or class based of our wealth and I was obviously in the lower one.
People tend to think I'm a trouble maker just because I live on the other side of
town, which is ridiculous.
I grabbed my old shitty school bag and left walking towards hell.
I walked through the gates and pulled my hood over my head.
Another thing about this town is that it's always gloomy or raining.
I walked pass the group of 1st class kids a they looked at me and made a few comments.
I just stared into their eyes as I passed them. there was a girl with golden brown hair that sat just below her shoulders, her name was y/n Robertson.
We have been in the same class for the past two years and only spoke like twice.
Joey Anderson stood next to her, he was a completely asshole.
He thinks he's got a way in life just because his dad is a lawyer or some shit but I can tell you right now that Joey isn't loyal.
Blake And hunter Jones.
As I walked pass Joey made a comment about me and I looked over to there group.
Joey: what the fuck are you wearing? You look like a drug dealer
Y/n: shut up Joey.
She hit his arm as she stood up for me.
Y/n: he got better style than all of you put together.
She said that and walked away from the group.
I was nice to have someone stand up for me for once.
I didn't have much money but when I had some I liked to buy clothes because I loved fashion and art. I also love music.
I took that a a big compliment from y/n as she has amazing style.

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