Part 10 - i need him

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Part 10
I Need Him
-y/n's POV-
The whole way home my mother gave me this long ass lecture about how Ruel was bad for me.
Y/n: mum, you don't actually know how much he means to me.
Alice: he's not good for you.
Y/n: how would you know what's good for me. I never see you and when I do your ashamed of me because I don't choose to be close fucking minded like everyone other stuck up ass in this town!
Alice: quit it with your swearing, it's disgraceful. I told you he was changing you.
Y/n: shut up. He doesn't tell me to do anything, he actually lets me be myself.
My mother pulled up to our house and parked the car.
I immediately jumped out of the car and ran up to my room.
I hated how it had to be like this.
I actually really like Ruel, wait am I catching feelings?
Would he even like me?
-Ruel's POV-
Once y/n left with her mother I walked around town just thinking.
I hated that I put y/n in that situation, she could have been hurt and I'd never forgive myself.
I really like y/n.
I think I'm catching feelings and I can't stop it now.
She had this certain fire and grace about her and I loved that.
I loved just being in her company, I always feel comfortable with her and when we kiss it's like I get lost in her touch.
I feel this certain passion with y/n that I've never felt before and crave but i know we we'll never be together due to this town.
I guess I'm just from the wrong side of the tracks.
I sat down at the swings at the park and lit up my cigarette.
-y/n POV-
I was in my room for a while until i heard my dad knock on my door.
He walked in and sat down looking at me.
Jack: y/n I know that you have been hanging around that Van Dijk kid, he's trouble and I don't want you getting hurt.
Y/n: dad, Ruel actually protected me today, he's not trouble just because he doesn't live in a huge ass house were there is no love or care for each other.
Jack: your mother and I do love you.
Y/n: Really, because I don't feel it.
I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs and walked out the door.
Jack: where are you going?
Y/n: out!
I walked off as the occasional tear would slip down my cheek.
I walked to the park that Ruel and I were at the other night.
I saw someone sitting down smoking as I approached them I released who it was.
Ruel: what are you doing her y/n?
Y/n: I can't stand my parents anymore.
Ruel: I'm not good for you.
Ruels cigarette was in between his fingers that was rested on his knee.
I took the cigarette out of his hand.
Y/n: I make my own choices.
I took a puff of the cigarette and gave it back to him.
Ruel: hey you'll get in trouble.
Y/n: well that's my choice then.
I then pulled Ruel up and placed my lips against his, causing our spark to ignite.

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