Ch. 7 - Fallout

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*Luke's P.O.V*

"He's what?"

"He's cleaning up the mess you made with Caspar"

"How though?"

"Check Facebook, Luke, the photo Caspar uploaded is pretty self-explanatory"

"Why do you sound mad at me?! It was your idea I ask Caspar out!"

"I didn't tell you to dump him after two days though"

"Yeah, well I thought it was better to do it now rather than later"

"You're an asshole"

"Are you kidding me, Ashton?"

"No, I'm not! I told you to pick one guy and you kept fucking things up with them! Also, you know just as much as every other student at school how much you love Michael and how much he loves you, so why the fuck don't you quit fucking around with other poor guys emotions and go get Michael back?"

"I-I can't just-"

"Save it, let me know when you've decided to grow up"


"No, open your damn eyes, Hemmings"

That's the last thing Ashton says before hanging up on me.

I groan, getting up off of my bed and walking over to my laptop. I'm already logged onto Facebook, so I just type in Caspar's name and click on his profile.

The first thing I see when the page loads, is a photo of Caspar & Michael, with the caption "Who needs you? I've got this guy <3".

In the photo, Michael had his arms around Caspar from behind and was kissing him on the cheek.

My heart starts to sink down to my stomach as I collapse to the floor and start sobbing into my hands.

What have I done?!

*Michael's P.O.V*

"No, Caspar! We can't do this" I tell him, pulling away from him as he tries to continue to kiss me.

"Why not?" He asks in confusion as he sits up, still straddling me on his bed.

"Because.. I'm in love with Luke" I tell him quietly.

"So am I, let's get over him together" Caspar says, shrugging his shoulders before leaning in to kiss me again.

"Caspar" I warn him, placing my hands on his chest to stop him, "No".

"I don't get it, why not?" He huffs, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I'm hopelessly devoted to Luke" I tell him.

"But he dumped you!" Caspar whines.

"Look, don't worry about it" I groan. "If you want me to stay over tonight, respect my decisions to not take things further than cuddling" I tell him.

"Okay, fine" he sighs, snuggling back up to me.

Basically, I told Caspar that I would stay with him tonight and try to help him feel better... But at some point I got distracted and we ended up making out. Though, of course, when I realised what was going on, I stopped.

Focus, Michael!


"Are you sure there isn't someone special?" I ask, taking another bite of pizza.

"Well... There is this one girl" Caspar admits, turning slightly red.

"And? Are you friends? Have you dated before? Are you going to ask her out? Answer me, Caspar!" I almost shout in excitement.

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