Ch. 14 - Say Something

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*Luke's P.O.V*

"No, mom!" I whine as my mom tries to hand me my anti-depressants, "I don't want to take them!".

"Not this again, Luke" she sighs, "Please".

"I don't want them" I complain.

Abandoning my bowl of already half-soggy cereal, I get up from the table and walk off down the hallway to hide in my room.

"Luke!" She groans in annoyance, "Stop being stubborn".

"No" I mutter to myself as I keep walking towards my room.

I stop at the doorway at the sound of my mom saying "Michael? How did you get in here?!".

"The front door was unlocked" Michael says casually, "Where's Luke?".

"Right there!" Mom points towards me, sounding annoyed, and Michael turns to face me in surprise, "He won't take his pills".

"I don't need them!" I snap, and storm into my room. I sit down on the edge of my bed with my arms & legs crossed, waiting for Michael to follow me.

Sure enough, about thirty seconds later, Michael is walking into my room. Closing the door behind him, he sighs, "Luke".

"I don't want them!" I tell him, noticing that he was holding the glass of water my mom had been holding, along with one of my stupid little pills.

"If you take your meds, we can snuggle" he says with a cute little smile, walking over to the bed so he can sit down beside me.

I pout at Michael for a few seconds before sighing and giving in. "Fine" I mumble, and he hands me the pill & glass.

"Good boy" he smiles as I stick the pill in my mouth and start drinking the water. "Have you been taking them when I'm not here?" He asks curiously as I finish off the water.

"No" I sigh, "You made me have one the other day, but that's the only one I'd taken, mom only just found out that I haven't been taking them".

"Can you please start taking them when you're meant to?" Michael asks, taking the glass from me and setting it on the bedside table, "Please?".

"I don't want to" I complain.

"Luke, please!" He begs, "Do you like upsetting your mother?".

"No" I mumble.

"Then just take them" he says calmly, "It's not like you haven't been on medication before".

"Fine" I mumble.

"Thank you" Michael says softly, leaning over to give me a peck on the cheek.

"I love you" I tell Michael quietly.

"And I love you" he says softly, "Oh, and I stopped at Caspar's house on the way here to explain why I just left the other night, he's quite worried about you".

"I'm fine" I lie.

"No, you're not" Michael says seriously, "I told him you were though, just to stop him from worrying too much".

"I shouldn't of gotten involved with him" I mumble, "I should of just gone back to you".

"You should of, but you didn't, and that's okay, got it?" Michael asks.

"Got it" I reply with a small nod.

"Want to snuggle now?" Michael asks.

"Yes" I pout at him. Michael smiles and crawls to the other side of the bed to lay down.

"Come here" he says, holding his arms out to welcome me into them. I done hesitate to snuggle up to him.

*Michael's P.O.V*

"Hey, good news!" I say randomly, looking up from my phone.

"What?" Luke asks in confusion, looking up from the book he was reading- Carrie by Stephen King.

"Caspar got a boyfriend" I say happily.

"Yeah?" Luke asks, his face brightening up a bit, "We know him?".

"Yeah, it's Joe" I reply.

"Joe- who?" Luke questions, although I'm sure he knows which one I'm talking about.

"Sugg" I tell him.

"Figures" Luke chuckles, "He was talking about him a lot when we were dating".

"Yeah, well Casp just texted me asking if we wanted to go on this group date" I laugh.

"Group?" Luke questions, "Not just a double date?".

"Nah, Dan & Phil, Tyler & Troye, and Zoe & Alfie are going to be there, so it's more than just a double date" I reply, "Oh and Ashton & Calum can come too, if they want".

"That's a big group, where are we going?" Luke says in surprise.

"Just at Caspar's house apparently" I say, looking down at the text from Caspar, "He says he'll order pizza, no shocker there, and Joe is going to bring drinks, apparently every group is bringing something different and we just have to check to make sure nothing is doubled".

"Oh, okay" Luke nods. My phone buzzes in my hands and I look down to see another text from Caspar.

"Oh, okay" I nod, "It's now a sleepover as well, and we have been asked to supply a great movie list".

"Easy enough" Luke nods again, "When's this date?".

"Next Saturday/Sunday" I reply, reading the rest of Caspar's second message, "Oh and can you ask Calum & Ashton if they are going to come, and if they are, tell them Caspar has requested they bring an awesome music mixtape because apparently they have the best music taste Caspar has ever seen".

"Okay" Luke laughs, "Hold on, I'll give Ashton a call".

While Luke is on the phone, I send a quick reply to Caspar saying it sounds like a great idea and that Luke & I will defiantly be there but we are just finding out about Calum & Ashton.

When Luke tells me that Ashton & Calum will be going on the group date as well, I send Caspar a follow up text to update him.

"He seems really happy about this group date" I tell Luke as he hangs up the phone and snuggles up to me on the bed.

"I'm glad he's happy" Luke smiles, "You don't think he's still mad at me though, so you?".

"He's invited you over to his house for a group date" I remind him.

"As your date" Luke mumbles, "He doesn't hate you".

"He doesn't hate you either" I frown, "Trust me, I told you I went to see him before I came to see you, he's over it. Anyway, he has Joe now, I thought you said that's what he wanted".

"It is" Luke sighs, "Okay, I guess you're right".

"I'm always right" I joke.

"No, you suck" Luke says seriously.

"Gee, thanks" I scoff jokingly.

"You didn't let me finish" Luke smirks.

"Okay, finish" I nod.

"You suck my dick" he says cheekily, causing me to start laughing.

"I should of seen that coming" I gasp though laughter.

"Coming" Luke snickers, running his fingers through his jet black hair.

"You immature little shit" I roll my eyes, still laughing.

"Okay, whatever" Luke giggles, "Let's start working on that movie list".

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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