Mad Brother Hours

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Today is my brother's Birthday and everybody's been telling him "Happy Birthday". Well... not Everyone.

Ya see, my brova's Fren that he has known for like 5 years now hasn't said happy birthday at ALL and my brother told him like 5 days ago. Ooooooooooooooooooof.

All his frends  (some he hasten even had for 2 years) EVEN PEOPLE ONLINE (WHO DONT EVEN KNOW HIM) were telling him happy birthday! Yo thats unbelievable! My guy said he finna blow up on his butt. He finna roast him so hard, he might commit murder AND ARSEN!

I honestly don't even feel bad, cuz at that point you are just an awful friend. I feel like my brother's standards on the people he know and chooses to become friends with, is just a bit to low if you catch my drift. (If you don't I'll just tell you he needs better standards cuz this   trash)

But either way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROOFER ^w^


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