Luck Is In the Negatives Sometimes

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Story Time

So I remember, it wasn't too long ago when...

I was wearing my mother's house slippers, so they were a bit loose. I was sitting on my bed, absolutely chillin' in the most energetic form possible. I was casually swinging my feet, since they were around the ground. I decided I would be extra, and swing my legs extra dramatically when I randomly started singing. So, one of the shoes flew off my foot and landed on my pillow, so I was like "Okay lemme stop." So I did, then shortly after-- I started again (putting the right slipper back on of course). Then, I swung my left foot and hahahahahaha. The slipper flew off my foot, and into my face. The bottom of the shoe. Right into my face. I wanted to die, but I was also laughing till I couldn't breathe. Unsanitary.

Should the next chapter just be about my babies? As in,  (if you don't already know about Stikklems) the race of things that live, and aren't always 100% "natural". They're "interesting" creatures, and I've created a little fact-thingy about them! It took forever, but I did and I feel proud.


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