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That title is indeed a sercet message, but its nod so secret cuz it means SUM MOAR ERT.

Story Time: So it all started when the Super Crown was a thing, 

B O W S E T T E was born. Then all of 

B O W S E T T E ' S minions were REborn as hoomanoid girl-things. 

One night, I decided "HeY i WaNnA dRaW gOoMbEtTe"

And so, this was born:

I actually LiKeD this when I first drew it

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I actually LiKeD this when I first drew it. I sTiLl Do!

To be honest, Imma just start post in the art in random order soo, yeah I actually wanted to draw Thwompette


And I got the crown wrong. OOF

The brown bean is OUT

See ya!

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