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Guess who's a Snom/Frosmoth appreciater?

Guess who has 6 Frosmoths with the correct nature and their hidden ability?

Guess who named all Frosmoths after cold foods?

Names In Order of Obtaing:

Gelatto (My first ever Frosmoth Boyo, handed down to me by Brobro)

Ice-e (Boyo)

Frostie (Boyo)

Ice Creem (Girlo)

Fro-Yo (Girlo)

Sno Cone (Girlo)

I didn't spell it right on purpose

All of them indeed have Ice Scales, their hidden ability (Brobro gave me a  correctly bred Snom and I evolved it, then bred it.)

And all of them are just my current team.

I have a box dedicated to only Snoms & Frosmoths.

I love Snom and Frosmoth with a passion, and I treat all of them like my children.


(I want a shiny Snom :'D)

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