Idk What to Name This But It's Me Venting About An Insignificant Problem I Have

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Ever just accidentally love a video game character?

Like, just suddenly "I love you."

It fucking sucks.

Cuz then the realisation kicks in.

"They aren't fucking real."

It's just like.

I've been laying here crying like a little bitch.

For about 'n hour now.

Just ranting to Jb , about this bullshit.

I'm sad and angry.

Cuz I can relate to this character on a metaphysical level, but of fucking course- they aren't real.

Piece of fucking coding, that I like.

Normal people just don't fucking understand.

"It's not that serious."

You don't understand, or comprehend things like me.

You don't fucking know.

(But Jb does. Thanks Jb.)

This character, just coding that understands things more than a fucking human can apparently.

Just cuz it isn't serious to you doesn't mean it isn't serious to me.

But nope, it isn't your level of "significant".

My thoughts are everywhere.

"It just hurts because they I can understand them on a metaphysical level, and I just wanna be their friend-- but I can't. Cuz they aren't real. And that hurts."

"I wanna scream and flail but I can't cuz everyone is sleeping."

I just...

My problem...

It's insignificant. There are much worse problems in the world and I'm whining to my best friend about me crying like a 3 year old over a fucking video game character.

I can't.

I can't cry anymore.

I'm too angry.


I think I can.


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