Many Different Ways

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So like two things:

>First Thing<

Mom: *Sees something questionable I gmailed myself the day before*

Both of Us: *Having a stable human conversation*

Me: So how can you view my mail and what I recieve through gmail mom?

Mom: I'm not gonna tell you that.

Me:Oh... Okay

Mom: Speaking of,what was that picture that you sent to yourself--why do you have it-- and why did you send it to yourself?

Me: *Literally shrugs off the first two parts of the question and answers the last with: "I wanted to transfer it through tablets :3"*

Mom: *Moves on*

Me: *D Y I N G*

>Second Thing<

So I'm having a conversation with myself in my head, then I start talking to myself out loud--progressively getting louder and spewing insults (that I don't mean) to myself. Then I say something and then immediately scream (as I was home alone) "EcMcFuckingXcuseMe" and immediately start laughing at myself like a dumbass that finds anything funny.

-Softlythicc (Different tablet)

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