Good Night Babies

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You look at the time. It's just hit 10:00 pm and at any moment you are expecting him to open the bedroom sliding door.

You continue reading your book, whilst leaning against the head board. You had already gotten into your pj's ready for bed, you were just waiting at this point.

10 minutes later the sliding door opens to reveal the one and only Kim Namjoon.

He wore his regular black sweat pants with his oversized white shirt. As he dropped his things next to the dresser you could see his eyes slightly swollen from the tiredness and in his stature. He huffed out a sigh once he removed his shirt.

You had put your book mark in the place you were reading and placed it on your bed side table. You looked at him one more time as he just stared at you with sleepy eyes, like a little kid waiting to be comforted. You open your arms mentioning for him to come to you, he obliged, lying his head on your stomach.

Your immediate reaction was to run your hands through his hair to relax him a little as he places his hands on your hips whilst leaning the rest of his body gently onto your left leg. You continue to do a little head massage, you could tell it was working when he released a long sigh and his body became a bit heavier on your leg.

You couldn't help but stare at his bare muscular back and how his leg just stretched across yours, he always gets so comfortable when you massage his head. Something shiny catches your eye as you bring your hand to the top of his head and you absentmindedly stare at the ring on your left hand as it brings happy memories of the day you two got married.

You knew it would be difficult with him being an idol and all but you didn't mind, you loved him and he loved you. He always asks how you cope with him not being here because he always struggles and everytime you remind him of the words a wise man had once said to you "Absents makes the heart grow fonder"

Your grandfather was in deed a man of few, yet wise words. Your broken out of your thoughts and memories when you feel Namjoon lift your shirt to kiss your stomach, you couldn't help but laugh and shake your head.

He moved up to kiss you on the lips as he pulled you to ly flat and  you both got into bed. He made sure you were secured against his bare chest, he knows how much you liked to be held at night.

He kissed the back of your hand, your cheek, the full length of your small shoulder, then the back of your neck as he gets comfortable behind you. He snakes his hand onto your stomach and slowly starts rubbing his thumb back and forth.

You moved your head so that he could he could slide his other arm under your head. You lay your head on his bicep and stared down at his arm to his open hand and place your small one inside his big one. You admired his hands, you always thought there were so pretty and hoped that they would get inherited instead of yours.

You turned slightly to look at his face, my gosh how you thought he was the most beautiful person in the world, inside and out. You looked at his peaceful sleeping face and thought to yourself, how did you get so lucky? How did a man as gorgeous as him fall for you and all your weird glory. You saw a small smile form on his face, his dimple showing, those are definitely going to be passed down. You thought.

"Why are you staring at me? I can feel your eyes on me, like what you see?"
He said in a tired and raspy voice. He slowly opened his eyes, but not fully, just enough to see you 'That sounded so sexy' you thought to yourself. "I'm just admiring a work of art" you say with a small smile.

He let out a small breathy chuckle, showing his perfectly straight, white teeth. He moved his left hand from you stomach, slightly missing the warm skin to skin contact, only for  him to softly graze your cheek with his his thumb as he held you face.

You closed you eyes at the simple yet comforting touch. You felt something warm and soft on you lips. You realised that he had kissed you, then deepened the kiss just a little then pulled away.

"You're the real work of art here, I mean just look at you, your literally glowing, like the Angel you are. Just so beautiful" he said giving you one more kiss on the lips as you smiled into the kiss. You layed your head back the way it was and he lifted your shirt putting his hand back onto your stomach. It's become a habit of his lately.

Just before you both give into the beauty of sleep you hear Namjoon say
"Good Night my baby and to you my Angel" and gives you one last kiss on the cheek before you both fall asleep holding on to each other.

Well that was cute 😊

This popped into my head because I finished my exam like 40 minutes early😂😂

I'm so weird honestly

Hope you enjoyed this one😊😊

Love Eriperry❤️❤️

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