Rainy Day

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The thunder roared through the sky.
You woke up to the sound of rain hitting your window.

You lied in your bed trying to fall asleep again but that wasn't going to happen.

You keep thinking about that fight that you had with Jungkook.

The rain outside reminds you of the days you used to just ly in bed with him and listen to the patter on the window, that was before he went on tour.

You have no idea where he was, you hoped he went home, since he was in the studio a few hours ago.

He was always working.

It was currently 2:30 am.

All of a sudden your phone vibrated on you desk side table.

'Open the door please?'

Your eyes widen at the realisation that he was standing in the rain at your front door, probably soaking wet.

Luckily you still have a sweatpants and hoodie you borrowed from his house.

After quickly grabing those from your nearly packed cupboard, you swiftly made your way down stairs.

Once you opened the door there he is dripping from head to toe, shivering slightly.

"Jungkook-ah are you insane?!" you said getting a hold of his cold, wet arm and dragging him inside.

Quickly closing the door you ran to get a towel.

When you came back he still stood in that same position, head hung low, arms holding onto his torso.

The giant hoodie stuck to his lean muscular figure.

His hood covered his whole face the further you stood.

Once you stood in front of him you pulled his heavy hood back to reveal his wet hair stuck to his forehead.

You hadn't noticed his puffy eyes yet.

You started to dry his hair and face but the water on his face wouldn't go away.

He was crying.
You wipes his tears away and kissed his forehead.

You started to take his wet jacket off, he didn't stop you.

You had to get his clothes in the tumble dryer to dry and him in some dry clothes or else he would get sick.

Once his chest was completely bare you started to dry his chest and torso of the remaining water from the clothes.

"Take everything off before you get sick" you said handing him the towel and turning around.

The shuffling around could be heard from behind you and wet clothes hitting the floor.

Two giant arms wrapped around your waist and his face buried itself into your neck.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" his voice cracked at the last sorry and he tightened his arms
His bare, warm chest touched your back.

He was incredibly warm for someone who walked in the rain.

You squeezed his arms to let him know its OK. You were trying to hold back the tears that burned your eyes, he let go and you turned to face him.

"Your spare clothes are upstairs" you said as you picked up his wet clothes from the floor, he wanted to take them away from you but you gave him a look and he made his way up the stairs.

You walked to the tumble dryer and put his clothes in there.

You slightly chuckled at his white and orange carrot socks sticking out from the giant heap of black clothes.

After switching on the dryer you made your way to the kitchen to make something warm for him to drink and made your way upstairs.

The storm outside got louder as the rain poured harder and the tussle of the trees grew fiercer.

As you opened your bedroom door, Jungkook was busy drying his hair with the towel.

You gave him the cup of hot chocolate and made your way back into bed.

Once he finished his cup he climbed in behind you and pulled you closer.

He held you close to his body, as if he feared that you might disappear. Not realising that he was in fact crushing your rib cage.

"Kook-ah I can't breathe" you said taking in a deep breath as he loosened his arms but still had a tight grip on you.

The two of you lied like that for a little while, listening to the rain hit your window.

Your eyes kept staring out the window at the trees fought against the aggressive wind.

You felt so much peace and calmness, you wished it lasted a lifetime.

Jungkook spoke first.

"I really am sorry, I didn't mean to get angry at you. It's just I've been getting so much hate on the Internet that it's getting to me. But it still doesn't excuse the fact that I got angry at you. You did nothing but try and cheer me up."

You felt a tear hit your neck and you immediately turned in his arms to face him.

He still hung his head low as he spoke again. The corners of his mouth turned downward as he held in a sob.

You knew he never liked to fight with you, it literally hurt his heart when you did.

“I promise to never do that again, all you do is support, comfort and wait for me and I had no right to direct my frustration towards you, please forgive me?"

He looked into your eyes, more tears threatened to fall.

You gave him a long kiss.

"I forgave you the minute I left the Bighit building. Now please stop crying Kook-ah, I get heart ache when I see you cry. Take a deep breath and rest with me, we both know you need it." you said as he rested his head on your pillow.

He closed his puffy eyes and like lightening he was fast asleep.

You nuzzled closer into his chest with a big smile on your face.
Honestly you were just happy that he was here beside you, you missed him way to much to be angry at him.

He had just come back from the world tour and was about to do another big show.

You wanted to get at least half of his free time before he got busy again.

Even in his sleep, the tight yet gentle grip he had in you never faltered, it made you feel secure and happy.

A vibration could be felt in his pocket, surprisingly he didn't wake up.

You slowly pulled it out of his pocket to see who messaged him.


"You better have worked things out with her, because I'm covering for you big time, Jeon Jungkook. "

You chuckled and switched the phone off, placing it back in his pocket.

Tiredness started weighing down on you and you too fell asleep.

Aaaand another chapter and dusted.

Hope you like it 😋😋😋

From you authur
Eriperry ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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