Stay With Me

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"I still can't believe I left for 6 months, came back and now you have a baby."

He said sitting, folding baby clothes, while you make something for the two of you to eat.

"I wanted a child, I wanted to be a mom. I'm 25, I wanted a family even if it's just me and my baby. Is it really that bad that I wanted a family of my own?"

He got up from the couch, abandoning the baby clothes.

"It's not a bad thing, I just wish you could have told me you wanted a baby..." he started moving closer to you.

You finished making the food and left it to cool a bit.

"And said what Namjoon?! That I wanted a baby and wanted to go through the full process, the pregnancy, the labour? What could you have done?"

"We could have talked about it, explored more options, I could have helped you-

"Joonie you were going on tour, what would you have done on the opposite end of the world?"

You crossed your arms in front of your chest. You always hated this, he always argued about it.

Truth be told, you never liked fighting  with him, he was your best friend.

"I felt awkward talking to you about this, you might be my best friend but this was a decision I wanted to make. I don't regret it."

"What are you going to say when he eventually asks who his father is?"

He was standing right in front of you, arms crossed almost defensive.

"When the time comes I will tell him everything-"

"Oh like you never met his biological father but just used his sperm!"

His anger coming through each word.

"Why are you so against what I did, my decision!"

"Because I could have been his father!"

The room went dead quiet, you were shook at what he just confessed to you.

"You could have asked me for mine, I would have gladly given it to you and you know that." his voice was soft, defeated.

"If you did you would have felt obligated to do all dad things and I didn't want that. You have a career, a successful one. One that's changing lives and making an impact."

"I still feel obligated to Suho even though he isn't my child, you're my best friend and I will help you through all of this."

He said engulfing you in a hug, you returned it. You've always loved his hugs.

"If you'd like, you could tell Suho that I'm his dad." he said slightly loosening his grip on you.

"What are you trying to say Namjoon?"

"I'm trying to say, that I want to be his dad, I want to be apart of this family, your family. I want you and Suho. I want to take care of the two of you, even if my job will keep me busy alot, I still want to be able to come home to you and a beautiful baby boy."

You were speechless, you couldn't do anything but smile at how cute he was.

"So what do you think, would you like to stay with me and be a family? Would you like to be more than best friends with me?"

You couldn't say anything but smile and nod, next thing you knew his lips were on yours, they were warm and soft. They felt safe in a way.

He broke the kiss first

"Oh and I kind of bought him shoes for when he starts walking."

************************************Hi, hi, hi

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Hi, hi, hi

Sorry I haven't been posting, been trying to make these stories make sense 😂

Hope you like this one, popped in my head last night and I just had to write it ❤️❤️

Love, Eriperry😘

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