Blind Date

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"Where was the restaurant again?" you asked as you strapped your heels on.

"At the Namsan Tower." your best friend stated with a casual look, typing away at her phone. Your eyes widened as you stood. "Isn't that the 5-star restaurant that's incredibly expensive?" You questioned incredulously, folding your arms over your royal blue lace dress.

She pocketed her phone and looked at you up and down. "Don't worry about it, this guy has money for it. Oh and he's on his way there already so let's go, I told him we're on our way." she says picking up the car keys and heading to the door.

"You look gorgeous by the way, he won't keep his eyes off you." she winked as you walked out the door with you purse.

"I'll be dropping you off, he can drive you home. I'll be waiting here to hear all about it." All you could do was roll your eyes as you made your way to the car.

"Can you at least tell me his name? I think it's a bit weird if I'm just going on a date with him and I don't even know his name." You stated. The car ride didn't take that long as you were already in from of the enterence.

Sure it was a blind date but you would at least like to know the guy's name!

"Don't worry about it, I made the reservations and told them your surnames so they would put you at the same table. You will be fine, now get your gorgeous ass up there and have fun." she said driving away.

You made your way to the elevator and pressed the top floor. You were a little nervous as the elevator got closer to the restaurant.

The doors opened to reveal a beautifully set restaurant, you made your way to the reception and gave them your last name. The waiter led you closer to the window tables.

As you walked closer, you noticed a man sitting by himself. He had on a black suit, with little blue flowers decorating the folds of the blazer. They were the same colour as your dress.

He had a white dress shirt on but not tie, leaving the top button open to showcase a small necklace that hung on a thin chain around his neck, resting on his collar bone.

All in all he looked amazing and you haven't even seen his face yet since he hadn't looked your way yet. The waiter cleared his throat, catching the guy's attention. He turned his head and all you could say was wow. His face was beautiful, he looked you up and down slowly, you could hear a small 'wow' come from his mouth as he stood from his chair.

A small blush creeped onto your cheeks as the word left his mouth. He moved to the chair and opened it so that you could sit. You sat sending a small 'thank you' his way as he made his way to his seat.

"Hi, I'm Kim Namjoon, it's nice to meet you." he said extending his hand. You took it and noticed how small your hand was in his. "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you as well."

He smiled, dimples showing as he retracted his hand. "You look amazing. I just had to say it." he complimented you. Your blush deepened as you said "Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." you said looking down with a smile, trying to hide you blush from him.

"Thanks" he said as he let out a small chuckle. His voice is so deep, omg. You thought to yourself. "Would you like some champagne?" he offered. You just nodded your head, afraid that you would say something stupid.

Once he was done pouring you took it asking, "So, how do you know Geongmin?" taking a sip.

"Well she's my little sister."

You almost choked. You started coughing. Well that was not what you were hoping to hear.

"Wait a second, you're Geongmin's brother?" you asked stupidly.

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