Appa's Here

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You stopped in front of the primary school. Waiting to Ji-ho and A-ro to exit.

They had no idea what surprise you had for them tonight.

Hoseok had been on tour for 5 months now, he messaged you to say that he was coming home tonight and wanted to surprise the kids for their birthday.

You missed him just as much as Ji-ho and A-ro did. Sure you guys face timed him but it's still not the same as having his presence there.

Tonight he was coming straight home from the airport to surprise them.
I suspect he will bring the whole of BTS with him so I gave the house keys to his sister, mother and father.

His mother wanted to cook a big pot of seaweed soup for their birthday.

The bell rang and you diverted your eyes to the door of the school. You quickly got out the car so that you could greet your babies as they ended school.

You first saw A-ro since she is the taller, and oldest one of them both, by a minute. Ji-ho came running past A-ro, a big sticker on his left shoulder, you realised it was a 'happy birthday' sticker.

A-ro sported the same sticker, just in a different colour.

"Mommy, mommy, I got a sticker look!" Ji-ho said as he stood right in front of you. A-ro stood behind him, quiet as usual.

You buckled both of them into their car seats, Ji-ho was playing with Mickey, their dad's dog, in the back seat while A-ro played with a toy.

A-ro was the quiet type didn't speak much, kept to herself. Ji-ho however was the opposite and exactly like his dad, loud.

"So today we are going for ice-cream and then to play in the park, grandma is making you guys some nice dinner at home." you said looking through the rear view mirror at the stop street.

Both of them looked up at the mention of their grandma, they loved Hoseoks parents quite a bit since they spend more time with them than your own.

"Is grandma making seaweed soup?!" A-ro asked, her smile wide. She was Grandma's favourite kid, she loved them both but she adored girls more.

"I'm sure she is, so you can have all the seaweed soup your heart desires, my pumpkin." you said, smiling at A-ro's burst of energy.

Ji-ho looked out the window, his expression saddened. "Appa isn't here to celebrate with us." is all he said. Your heart broke at not telling them that their dad was almost here.

"I know baby, but you do know I'm trying my best to make this a special day right, I know you miss Appa but everyone else is so excited to see you two on this day." you said

"I know mommy. Can we get ice - cream before we go to the park?!" Ji-ho asked, you nodded and an uproar started in the back seat as you drove to the ice-cream shop.

The afternoon went by incredibly fast. After getting ice-cream you took the kids to the park and before you knew it your mother-in-law was messaging you to say the food is all cooked and Hoseok was on his way home with the guys.

You got super excited, mainly to see Hoseok and the kids reactions to him surprising them.

When you got the text that he was at home you called A-ro and Ji-ho. After buckling them in you made your way home.

They fell asleep on the way to your house, probably due to the energy lost through playing.

Once you parked inside the garage, you messages Hosoek to let him know that you had arrived and that he needs to stand in place.

You got out the car, you unbuckled and picked up A-ro, she immediately latched onto you like a leach and continued to sleep. You were happy she did that so you could unbuckle Ji-ho and carry him inside as well.

Once you unbuckled Ji-ho, you moved A-ro to you one hip, she still lated onto you tightly. Picked Ji-ho up and put him on the other.

You walked up to the ajar door that led straight into the kitchen. Once you were in the kitchen you could hear soft chatting.

You walked into the living room and saw the whole of BTS standing in the middle of the couches, talking to Hoseoks family.

They saw you and you shook your head to tell them not to make noise.

Hoseok stood in the middle of the group, the biggest smile on his face.

"Ji-ho, A-ro, it's time to wake up now. You have lots of guests waiting for you." you said.

Both of them, looked up. Tired expressions on their face.

"Surprise!!!!!!" everyone shouted. Your kids both were wide awake, their eyes looking straight ahead at their father who was kneeling down for them to run to him.

You put both of them down on their feet. "APPA!!" They said running unto a crying Hoseok's arms.

The scene brought tears to your eyes, you know they missed each other dearly and they finally get to see each other after so long.

You could hear everyone say 'cute'. You walked up to your family, staring down and the hugging and crying mess that was in the middle of your living room.

"We missed you so much Appa!"

Another update 😊

Hope you liked this one😘

From your Author
Eriperry ❤️❤️

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