Therapy Time

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After the 7 year anniversary letters to the members were released it made you worry even more.

What Jungkook said to Taehyung really worried you, so you decided it would be great to cheer him up and let him know that you are still here for him.

He struggled to open up to you some times, especially if it's something that's really deep.

Luckily you were a patient person,  so when he did express his feelings, he was grateful for you waiting.

After you messaged his mom you quickly drove to her to pick up Tannie.

Tannie always had a way of cheering Tae up, then again he had a way of cheering everyone up.

Once you arrived at his moms house Tannie ran over to you and hoisted himself up on his hind legs and leaned his front paws onto your shin.

You picked up the fluffy furball and he instantly started licking your face.

"Please make sure my son is okay, will you?" she asked as she stood at your car door.

She handed Tannie's black Louis Vuton bag with all his things in it and you placed it infront of the passenger's seat.

"I will, don't worry. When you get the chance to visit him, I'm sure he would love that. I know how much he misses you." you said starting the car.

Tannie barked at the car being started. His long black fur covered his body, only reveling his small face that had small patches of brown.

During the drive to Seoul you messaged Jimin, letting him know that you were going to surprise Taehyung with Tannie.

Jimin was too excited knowing that Tannie was going to be coming over.

It was a long drive but an exciting one. You hadn't been able to see him in a while and now you get to surprise him.

Tannie enjoyed the ride, he kept looking out the window at the moving cars and the scenery.

He even slept a bit, which surprised you.

You parked outside their apartment building, Tannie started barking, he knew all to well where he was.

Thanks to Jimin the security let you walk in with Tannie and his bags in hand. You were sure the security knew Tannie because of Tae.

As you walked closer to the door, your heart rate picked up. This usually happened when you meet up with Tae. 

Somehow he manages to make you flustered when you first meet up after a tour.

Maybe it's because he gets more handsome with time.

You messaged Jimin with a struggle, Tannie was getting restless, seems he was equally as excited to be here as much as you were.

You quickly check your outfit one more time.

Your plain black shorts hung loosely on your hips, it was a thin material. Summer in Korea was no joke.

Your plain white t-shirt hugged your frame but wasn't revealing.

You looked down at Tannie. His tail was moving uncontrollably against your arm, his long coat made your arm disappear.

The door opened revealing Jimin in a black chino and a white shirt.

"Hey y/n, Tannie!" he whisper, shouted.

"Hey Jimin. Is he in his room?" you spoke softly.

Tannie was too busy giving kisses to Jimin to bark.

"Yes he is, I think he's busy writing a new song" Jimin said after he got all his kisses from Tannie.

You walked past him and headed straight for Taehyungs room.

You took a deep breath before knocking on the door. You heard a soft 'yes?' and pushed the door handle down to open it.

Tannie started barking, you put him on the floor and he went straight for the man you love.

His hair was longer, he had definitely done a perm, it was poofy but in a cute way.

His face lit up at the sight of Tannah. His boxy smile immediately crept its way onto his face.

He picked up Tannah and buried his face into his long black fur as Tannah tried to give him a bunch of hello kisses.

Looked away, searching for a place to put Tannah's bag and yours.

As you were about to turn around, you felt arms wrap around your waist and pull you into a tight hug.

His fluffy hair tickled the side of your neck and face. His warm, soft breath could be felt on your shoulder.

A soft kiss was placed on your shoulder before he loosened his grip.

You turned in his arms and engulfed him in a bear hug. His deep chuckle could be felt vibrating through your chest.

"I missed you goofyball." you said as you hands automatically went to his fluffy hair.

"I missed you too, so so much" he said squeezing once more as if it was the last time he was seeing you.

"Do you like your surprised? I thought bringing Tannah would be fun and relieve any stress you might have." you said releasing him but not untangling your arms from around his neck.

You looked straight into his warm brown eyes, they brought comfort to you.

You noticed the visible soften of his facial features and especially his eyes.

" I love it, even though just you visiting me would have been enough, at the moment Tannie being here is the bonus." he said smiling softly.

"I honestly can't believe that you are here." he said bringing his face closer to yours.

He rested his forehead on yours looking into your eyes. His grip was firm around your waist. His one hand moved behind your neck.

He moved his lips closer to yours, giving you a light kiss. Then he proceeded to litter your entire face with soft kisses.

It automatically put a smile out your face.

He then proceeded to pick you up and throw you on the bed.

To say you freaked out was an understatement.

You screamed on the top of your lungs from the time he picked you up to you landing on the bouncy mattress.

He made his way to the bed and proceeded to cuddle with you but you were too shook to even realise it.

"You are so weird!" you said as he nuzzled his head in you neck.

A knock could be head from the other side of the door.

"Are you guys alright.?" it was Namjoon, he always investigates when he hears screams.

"We're okay Hyung don't worry about it!" Taehyung shouted back.

Namjoon's and on other pair of retreating foot steps along with a loud chuckle could be heard.

Jin was probably with him, equally as worried.

Taehyung squished you closer and giggled in you ear before opening his mouth.

"Can't you stay forever?" He whispered before settling comfortably.


Sorry for only posting now been hectic for a few months.

Hope you liked it 😁😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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