Your Home!

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It's been a long ass day.

Your feet hurt, your back hurts, you legs hurt, your head hurts and your heart hurts.

You remove your shoes as you climb out your car. Dropping them at the door, you walk into your empty home.

Another night alone, you thought with a long sigh.

You made your way up stairs to your bedroom. Taking off your work clothes, you put your normal, comfortable clothes on.

Looking at the big bed in front of you, you reached for you necklace that hung around your neck.

It was a small music note with tiny diamonds in it. It represented the man you love and his love all in one.

Oh how you missed him. It's difficult when he's on tour and forgets to answer his phone due to lack of sleep.

He hasn't contacted you in 3 days. You understood that he needed to sleep but you just missed his raspy voice. You just wanted to hear it to calm your aching heart.

You walked away from the bed and made your way towards the staircase.

Then you paused.

You heard music playing, but not just any music, specifically a piano.

You knew one person who played a piano with such grace.

You dashed down the stairs, almost falling but the railing helped you stable yourself.

Your feet hit the cold floor as you ran to the studio.

Opening the door, tears started forming at the rim of your eyes.

The man you have been waiting months to see, sat at the piano, playing your favourite song.

He stopped playing and turned to you with his gummy smile.

"I missed you," is all he said as he stood, opening his arms for you to run into.

You didn't hesitate to run and be engulfed in a bone crushing hug. He held you close, his face in the crook of your neck.

You let the tears fall, absorbed by his cream shirt. Your arms wrapped around his neck while your one hand tangled in his soft, dark hair.

His arms around your waist slightly lifted you off the floor.

"You're home!" you cried out, it came out with a sob and that's when you let it all out.

You sobbed with joy, Yoongi was home. He was really home in all his pale glory.

You parted, but still held onto one another. Yoongi brought his hand up to your face to wipe away your tears.

"It feels good to be home," he said looking into your eyes.

"Well this house has been really quiet without you playing music or working on songs," you smiled.

Your hands moved to his chest. You could tell he was getting slightly bigger, his grip on your waist was tighter than usual but that could just be from not hugging him for months.

"I wasn't talking about the house. I was talking about you, you're my home, wherever you are," he said, pulling you closer, not that that was even possible.

You blushed a bit at his statement and leaned in to kiss him.

"You're my home too, Min Yoongi," is all you said and leaned in to kiss him one more time.

Was a bit short, sorry about that. 😞

But I hope you enjoyed

Love Eriperry ❤️❤️

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