Daddies Voice

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You turned to your left side, stretching out your arm, thinking you would cuddle into you husbands side. You woke up at the empty feeling next to you.

Why hasn't he come home yet, where could he be? You thought.

Slowly you got up, slight pain shooting through your abdomen but you ignored it.

You walked slowly down stairs, hand on your abdomen, it became a habit of yours since the stitches are still fresh.

You walked to the kitchen, thinking you would find your husband eating, since that's all he ever does when he gets home but no one was there.

You walked to his home gym thinking he would maybe be there but that too was empty.

You moved on to the study, and yet again you find another empty room. Walking to your room, you picked up your phone checking the time. It was 12AM.

Where is he? You thought. He should have been home by now. Slight worry overcame your body

Suddenly you heard a noise from the tiny speaker on your side of the bed. It was humming, slight singing.

Mentally slapping yourself, you thought, How could I forget about his new favourite spot?

You made your way to the room bedside your own, the door was open ajar and the humming got a little louder.

You recognised the lyrics that  suddenly could be heard from the room. How could you forget those lyrics that got sang to you the day he proposed.

Opening the door slowly, you saw your husband sitting in the rocking chair, in a white over sized shirt and his lose black sweat pants holding his son against his chest. His hoop earings reflecting the dim light in the room, he looked so peaceful.

His hair slightly falling into his face as he lowered his head as he softly sang his son to sleep.

"When I see your smile on the screen, you're good at everything.

You're just perfect, feels like I've never been you.

Do you even see me? Do you know who I am?

Oh how do I look now, you don't like me like that

Come and tell me so much, beautiful heart

Oh I'm gonna listen to you, please~

All the number too big, can't get out of you game

Oh I want to paint it like you, please

Oh I want to be you decalcomania

I want you~

I want to be your decalcomania

I want....

I want you"

You leaned against the door frame as you admired your husbands voice and the beautiful song being sung to silence your sons whimpering .

He always sang when your baby used to be restless in your stomach, only wanting to hear his daddies voice to sleep.

It seemed as if your husband was falling asleep to his own voice because you could see his head drop lower as his eye closed and his voice got softer.

Walking up to the two men, well the one is, in your life. You nealt down beside the rocking chair. You hand went to touch your husbands face to wake him up.

"Jungkookie, let's go to bed jagi." you said as he slowly opened his eyes to see you. A slight bit of concern was shown in his face.

"But he has to sleep-"

"Bring him to bed as well, Jungwoo likes sleeping between us." you told him.

He slowly got up, trying so hard not to wake your new born from his little sleep. You got up, Jungkook trying to support you as well as hold his son in one hand.

"Slowly Jagi, the stitched could break is you're too fast" he had worry all over his features as he whispered his words.

You understood his concern, you had an emergency C-section due to complications with you pregnancy.

He held you arm securely as you stood straight and started moving you feet.

You both walked into your bedroom. Kookie placing Jungwoo in the middle of the bed.

Jungwoo started whining once more, Jungkook placed his face next to his sons as he began to sing softly once again.

You lied down as well, facing your boys.

As Jungkook started singing again, you too started falling asleep at the angelic sound of his voice.

The last thing you heard before sleep over took your exhausted body was Jungkook's voice singing.

"I want you~"

This was inspired by Jungkookie's Decalcomania, as you can tell.

Hope you liked this one as much as I did😊😊

I'll try and update again soon but I gotta study 😘

Love Eriperry ❤️❤️

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