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The drawbacks of your quirk

If you use it for too long, your bones will start hurting really badly to the point were you won't be able to move.

Using your quirk for too long and too intense can cause you to loose your voice and a sore throat.

You'll get really tired and your movements will become really sloppy and slow.

Plain pain is the drawback of your quirk.

You'll be feeling pretty dizzy if you use yours for too long.

Using your quirk for too long can cause you really bad migraines.

You'll get really hyper if you used it for too long.

You'll start to sneeze uncontrollably and your vision will get blurry.

You can loose your consciousness.

You're quirk works better at night and therefore you're at disadvantage in the daylight. Also, using it during daytime can cause you to randomly fall asleep.

You could get stuck as an animal if you're left without enough energy to transform back.

You could temporarily loose the ability to write or draw.

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