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Training Camp Time!
What did you do during the villain attack?

You were stuck at the facility for supplementary lessons since you failed the teacher vs students exam. And even after the villains attacked and you were given permission to fight back you still had to stay at the facility. You tried several times to convince Vlad King to let you out there but of course he didn't. Looking at the aftermath, having you out there would've maybe been a good idea. After all, we all remember Izukus broken bones that could've been put back in place.

You were with Jiro and Toru when it all happened. You three got knocked out by the Mustards gas before you could do anything.

You actually needed to stay at the facility as well since you had supplementary lessons as well. But you were fast enough to get out of there as you realized that you may be needed out there. Let's just say, Vlad wasn't very happy. Luckily for you, you encountered Mezo and Tokoyami. Not so lucky for you, Tokoyami was in Berserk Mode and your quirk was not helping the situation. Well at least not much. You still were able to save Mezo from Tokoyami before anything serious would happen to him. After Izuku showed up and offered to help with Tokoyami you were pretty much used as bait since you were the fastest. And like that you were able to lure Tokoyami to Shoto and Katsuki were he defeated Moonfish and finally got back to normal. After that you partnered from the group since you thought that your quirk would be better used to carry the injured and knocked out people back to the facility.

You found Momo who made you a gas mask and said that you should go and help the others since you got more hands available than her. And so you did what you could do best. Cutting of your hands and letting them carry the knocked out students back to the facility. But of course you weren't stupid. You also cut of one of your ears and let one of your hands carry it around, searching for the source of the fire, hoping to find some useful informations. After all, it was less noticeable than going after the villains yourself and definitely less dangerous.

You wished to go out there and help your classmates but you were stuck at the facility because of the supplementary lessons. It wasn't your fault that you couldn't help them out there but you still felt guilty about it, looking at the aftermath.

You were alone at first when everything started but you soon encountered Ochaco and Tsuyu. And Toga. The whole situation wasn't necessarily the best for you since your quirk was definitely at disadvantage in such an open area. But you still tried your best to protect your classmates from the crazy girl. Good thing you were pretty good at dodging and countering attacks since your quirk wasn't meant for fighting. You also landed some pretty good hits on Toga. But she also almost stabbed you which ended in being a pretty severe cut due to you still being able to at least dodge it a little. When the others arrived and Toga disappeared, you wanted to help them with their plan to get Katsuki back since you all soon had realized that he was captured. But the others only told you that you've done enough and that you couldn't fight the the injuries you had. Which left you no choice but to listen to them. But instead of going back to the facility, you lingered around in the woods and tried to find out what happened by using your quirk to look back into time.

You failed the exam which meant that you had to stay and take supplementary lessons. As you heard about the villains attack and the permission to fight you were eager to get out there but soon were stopped. It annoyed you that you had to stay inside which all the action happened outside but looking back at it, you probably wouldn't have been a big help.

You found Tetsutetsu and Kendo who were about to go and find the one responsible for the toxic gas. And since you wanted to do something as well you went along with them. You soon found the one responsible for it but defeating him wasn't as easy as you thought. Also because he was using a gun. Plus you had to be quick since the gas masks wouldn't be able to function for much longer and the gas would then slowly knock you out. So you took matters into your own hands and tried your best to keep the gas away with your dust so the other two could fight better. You also almost got shot but luckily Tetsutetsu kept that bullet away from you. At the end they were able to crack open Mustards mask so you used your quirk to send dust down his respiratory system, ultimately knocking him out and making the gas disappear. Don't worry though, you didn't killed him but he was severely injured.

By the time you got permission to fight you were already weakened by the toxic gas. But you tried you best to get to an area that wasn't as infested as your current and ran into Tsuyu and Ochaco. And soon enough, Toga. But you weren't able to do much in that fight other than keeping your friends away from being stabbed by raising the terrain. Which ended in you getting stabbed instead. By the time the others arrived you were already almost done. Despite you heavily disagreeing with their decision of them going to free Katsuki from Mr.Compress without you, you still ended up loosing that argument. But little did they know that you followed them, despite them telling you to go back to the facility. But you were too slow so you couldn't do much of a difference. At least you used the rest of your strength to throw a rock through one of the open portals of Kurogiri. Hopefully that thing will knock somebody out.

You may have failed your exam and got stuck at the facility when it all happened but would that keep you from going out there? No. Well actually, Vlad sent you out since you were the only one who was able to fly and therefore you got the task to rescue the students. But as you were doing said task you ran into an injured Mezo and Tokoyami who wasn't really Tokoyami but rather Dark Shadow. And you couldn't just leave your friends behind and carry on with your task so you decided to help. And soon Izuku found his way to you guys as well. You were the one who actually came up with the plan to lure Dark Shadow to someone whose got a light source. And so you took your two classmates and flew with them in front of Dark Shadow, you three bring the bait. And your plan worked and even better than that it even knocked out the wanted criminal Moonfish. Then you decided to stick with these guys since they would use your help with protecting Bakugou. And after all, he was your childhood friend. Your group soon encountered Tsuyu and Ochaco but you also noticed that someone was missing from your group. That someone being Bakugou. So you had to think of a quick plan and that quick plan resulted in you also being captured by Mr. Compress. Luckily they were able to get you back in the end.

You were lucky enough to find Shoto and Katsuki who were fighting Moonfish and you decided to help them since they didn't seem like they were winning. Plus you did train your quirk to be more effective during combat. And the animal that you were currently best at transforming into was a lion so that's what you did. You sure were able to land some pretty good hits on Moonfish but eventually your lion form got stabbed by his teeth since you needed to get close in order to fight him. Luckily for you, help arrived soon and Moonfish was defeated. You decided that it would be best for you to go back to the facility since the stabs were bleeding pretty badly.

You were one of the people that was the least affected by the gas since you used your quirk to draw some gas masks and materialize them. So you basically did what Momo also did. But you encountered Tetsutetsu and Kendo who wanted to stop whoever was behind the gas attack and decided to go help them. You weren't a big help when it came to actually fighting Mustard but you were able to clog his gun just like how you did with 13's Black Hole. And you were able to draw a big fan on the ground and materialize it so that it could blow away all the gas. So at the end you may not have contributed in combat but you sure were a big help.

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