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*Amanda's pov*
"No way I am not sleeping in the same bed with you!" I shouted.

"Fine than sleep on the floor." Bradley laughed, as I sended him a glare.

"No you sleep on the floor." I angrily responded. "Well you are the one who doesn't wants to sleep with me so.."

"Oh shut up." I said.

"Ofc I wouldn't want to sleep next to someone who is just like my ex" I added.

"I am not like your ex!" Bradley shouted.

"Yes you are you cheated on me with Mona remember?" I responded.

I didn't let him respond and threw a pillow and a blanket onto the floor and layed.

"Are you siruisly are going to sleep on the floor?" Bradley rolled eyes.

"It is better than sleeping next to you" I angrily answered.

"Fine, by the way I sleep without my shirt on so I hope it doesn't makes you uncomfortable or something" He took of his shirt.

"Ofc It doesn't bothers me I don't care about you at all" His face fell.

I couldn't dare to look at him, I knew that I would melt if I did.

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