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A few days later
It was finally the time that I got married to the man of my dreams. I still can't find enough words to describe him nor my love for him and I probably never will.

Today was the best day ever. I went to the make up artist and to the hair dresser.

Soon we both looked beautiful and we finally arrived at the wedding. Lucy left me and went to her table to sit with Connor and Tris.

James walked me up to the isle.

The wedding was just like how my dream wedding was. It was in the beach, it was big and everyone that I and Bradley knew were here, celebrating us and even some fans.

I went to Brad with my brother then he left us and we both started to say our wows. "I love you so much, I promise you that I will always love you, I promise that I will always be here for you, I promise that I won't give up on our relationship no matter what happens, I promise that you will always be my princess, my only princess, I promise that I will always try to make you happy and cheer you up whenever you are down" Bradley made his speech.

"Well I am not good at making a speech at least not as good as you" I said as they laughed. "But I promise that I will always love you and won't give up on our relationship, I promise that you will always be the love of my life and I promise you that I will be always be here for you" I made my speech and we kissed as everyone clapped.

I couldn't believe it, now I had the best surname ever, I was Amanda Simpson.

8 months after
"Bradley!" I screamed. "What happened?" He worryingly asked. "My water just got broke!" I shouted. He fastly got ready, packed a bag and helped me to our car.

I was trying so hard not to laugh at his face, he looked so scared and concerned.

The pain was so hurtful, but I tried my best to stand it untill we came to the hospital.

"And this was my and Bradley's story." I said and Bradley and I looked at deeply in each other's eyes.

So many years later
"So this was your mother and my story" Bradley kissed me as I blushed.

"Okay so can you guys go to sleep now?" I tiredly asked.

"So about 9 months after the wedding I was born?" My older daughter Sophie asked.

"Yeah, I can't believe that you are 11 now." Bradley and I got emotional, they were growing up so fast.

"And I... I am 4" Our son Liam said. "Yes you are" I smiled and made him giggle.

"Now give us a good night hug and sleep" Bradley said as they hugged us. I loved them so much, we were ready the perfect family.

What happened to the others?
Tristan found someone that loved drumming, watching horror movies and was funny too so he got engaged too.

James didn't wanted to date anyone after what happened to him with Kristie and he only thinks about the band and the songs now He is still the James that we always love though.

Connor and Lucy has a cute family just like us, but they only have one daughter called Lexi. Lexi and our children became best friends in no time.

The vamps continued and they made loads of albums and they have more then a million fans now. I was so proud of my friends and my husband.
Oh by the way I got an oscar:)

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