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This chapter starts before Taehyung and Jungkook started messaging

I run to the shops not even caring that its 2 kilometres away and it would have been easier to just drive there.

Right now, I'm chasing the man of my dreams. The boy whose had a place in my heart since 2013.

We've dated, we broke up. We dated again and broke up once more. We've been through good and bad. Some of the toughest times of my life were spent with him. But we also shared some of the best days of my life. The ones that happiness seeps through the memories. The days that are able to make me feel just a little bit better even by just thinking about them. I want more of those days.

I want to start a new chapter of my life. A Chapter where me and Taehyung are together and stay together. A chapter filled with those days. A chapter filled with love and happiness.

I want to make this chapter the best one yet.

I soon make it through the doors of the shopping centre, enjoying the few seconds of cold relief it gives on my hot body before I proceed further into the shop with my eyes looking for a boy and that boy only.

I look at every shop I pass. So far there's no luck. Maybe Jimin told Tae I was looking for him and he left.

I walk into the food court just wanting to grab a cold drink to cool myself before I continue with my searches. I grab my drink before sitting on a vacant seat disheartened that I haven't found Taehyung yet.

I silently drink while thinking of all of his favourite places he could be at. Maybe he went back home. Maybe he spotted me first and is avoiding me. There's so many different possibilities.

I look up from the table I had been focused on this whole time and that's when I see him.

Right in front of me, back facing me. How could I have not noticed him?

A smile takes up my whole face. He hasn't noticed me, he's not avoiding me, he hasn't left. He's here, right in front of me.

I think of the best way to approach him.

'should I just go up to him?'

Nah, that might scare him away

'what if I make a commotion?'

That might work but do you really want to yourself look like an idiot?

'good point I don't know'

Wait why am I talking to myself.

I just take out my phone alerting him of my presence thinking that it's the best way to go.

I see him freeze when he feels the vibration of his phone

I watch as he takes out his phone and look at it puzzled

'look behind you.'

I also hear him as he silently whispers to himself.


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