Chapter 5- Truth or Dare 2

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Warning: Koe will be in this chapter a lot, so lots of suicide mentions and foul language. :(

Kirishima's P.O.V -

After Sero came out, we all accepted him and carried on with the game.

Next to go was Hagakure her spin landed on Uraraka. "Truth or dare?" She said excitedly, smiling (I assume ,cause she's invisible). "Truth please." Uraraka said politely. Mineta then yelled, "Who do you have a crush on?" Uraraka blushed before saying "Asui" very quietly. Asui responded to this by shifts closer to Uraraka, saying "I told you too call me Tsu." And then gives Uraraka a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Awwwwwwwwwww" we all chorus and Mina fan girls silently beside them.

Todoroki's spin landed on Jiro's empty space ( yep, she is still in Momo's lap ). "Truth or dare, Jiro?" He asked. "Dare." She said, confidently.

"Ive got one!" I say, "I dare you to do your best impression of Bakugo when he's mad- well then just Bakugo" I say with a chuckle.

* no-one laughed, dumbass*

Go away Koe

*go into the bathroom, take off the bandage on your thigh and use the blade you brought to make 10 new cuts*

No !

*fine, then i will just say here and make you more mad until you shout at me*


*out loud, in front of your classmates*

No please...

*cut or be insane, your choice*

Fucking fine, i think and I excuse myself as Jiro was impersonating Bakugo, as the real Bakugo seethed and glared at her.

Trigger Warning, severe cutting I will put a a note when its over :(

I grab my toiletries bag and go to the smaller bathroom upstairs. I sit on the toilet, pull my joggers down and unwrap the bandage on my right thigh to reveal hundreds of white scars.

I grab my razor and, with fat tears rolling down my cheeks, make the 10 cuts like Koe said. Then I add 2 more for him making me cut after I had been almost 3 months clean. Then 4 more for being a worthless fag, then I just started cutting everywhere, with Koe encouraging me, until my blood was pouring from my leg. I hadn't meant to do this many but oh well. I wrapped my leg back up with the, now blood-soaked, bandage. I cleaned up the floor and went back downstairs after wiping my face of tears and sadness and putting on a huge, fake, sharky smile.

Cutting over for now.

I push open the door to see Bakugo chasing Jiro around the room and everyone laughing. I grabbed him as he came past and put my arms around him, hardening them as he tried to break free, struggling like a naughty child. I laughed and walked back over to my space as Jiro sat back down.

I let Bakugo go and he sat next to me again, shooting a glare at Jiro. Most of the game went by in a blur  until it got to Kaminari.

He span me and I was dared to kiss the person I found most attractive in the room. I chose Hagakure, jokingly, and accidentally kissed her elbow.

Sero was next and he got Kaminari, they ended up making out and when Asui span Uraraka, they went in a closet for 7 minutes in heaven, coming out holding hands and Uraraka had several red hickeys on her neck.

Finally Uraraka span and it landed on me, again. "Truth or Dare, Kirishima?" She said and I yelled dare instantly.

Mina shouted a dare before anyone else could. "I dare you to give Bakugo a strip tease upstairs in the guest bedroom!!"

*haha,wanker, he's gonna see your-*

You know what you can do Koe? Go to the nearest pharmacy, ask for something called viagra, and use it to help you go FUCK YOURSELF!!. I thought angrily and Koe shut up, with a small laugh as he went away.

I laughed loudly in relief as I came back to reality, getting a few odd stares as Bakugo grabbed me and lead me to the guest bedroom. 

He shut and locked the door behind us and sat down on the bed, bored. "Gets on with it then, shit hair." He said grouchily. I started to slowly undo my buttons and then...


Yep, I'm leaving this on a cliff hanger, I had my first day of school today and I'm tired.

I am going to try and put out at least a part a day but its gonna be harder than Kaminari in the last chapter :).

Severe smut in the next one and there will also be more mentions of suicide, cutting and some anorexia.

Thanks for Reading!!


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